About Search Filters

Note: To read an LDAP data source, you must configure the parameters on the Search Filters tab. For Sh and Sy data sources, Search Filters are optional.

Search filters allow you to select whether an incoming request results in sending a query to a data source. If no search filters are defined, all received subscriber requests result in a query for each type of defined search criteria being sent to this data source.

Note: A data source may support multiple search filters.

Example Search Filters

This example applies to a scenario where subscriber information is distributed across three data sources based on the last two digits of the E.164 (MSISDN) key attribute. Using search filters, you can direct a query to the appropriate data source.
  • Data Source #1: Define a search filter that performs lookups only for subscribers ending with 00 through 33:
    • Key Type: E.164 (MSISDN)
    • Expression: (.)*(0[0-9] | 1[0-9] | 2[0-9] | 3[0-3])
  • Data Source #2: Define a search filter that performs lookups only for subscribers ending with 34 through 66:
    • Key Type: E.164 (MSISDN)
    • Expression: (.)*(3[4-9] | 4[0-9] | 5[0-9] | 6[0-6])
  • Data Source #3: Define a search filter that performs lookups only for subscribers ending with 67 through 99:
    • Key Type: E.164 (MSISDN)
    • Expression: (.)*(6[7-9] | 7[0-9] | 8[0-9] | 9[0-9])