KPI Interval Statistics

The KPI Interval Statistics section summarizes the maximum key performance indicator (KPI) values recorded by the Policy Management cluster during the previous recording interval. Intervals are recorded on the quarter hour.

The following interval statistics are displayed:
Interval StartTime
Timestamp of when the current interval started.
Configured Length (Seconds)
Configured interval length. The value of 900 seconds (15 minutes) is fixed.
Actual Length (Seconds)
Actual interval length. When data is collected over a full interval, this value matches the Configured Length value.
Is Complete
Displays 0 or 1, where 1 indicates that data was collected for a full interval.
Interval MaxTransactionsPerSecond
The maximum MPE transactions per second for the previous interval.
Interval MaxSessionCount
The highest value of the counter MaxSessionCount during the previous interval.
You can control the information displayed within the detailed report using the following buttons:
Stops or restarts automatic refreshing of displayed information.
Returns to the previous page.
Note: If a cluster has just started up and no data is available, the Interval StartTime is displayed as Undefined and the maximum values are displayed as 0. If a cluster has started up and a recording interval has completed but it is less than 15 minutes, the value of Actual Length will not match Configured Length, and the maximum values are displayed as 0.