CMPP Configuration Options

CMPP Enabled
Enables the CMPP client to establish a connection with the SMSC. If this box is not checked, all CMPP messages to the SMSC are dropped. The default value is Disabled.
The host name of the CMPP client that the SMSC will connect to. The default is to leave the field blank.
The port number of the CMPP client that the SMSC will connect to. The default value is 7890.
Source Address
The source address of the CMPP client. The default value is to leave the field blank.
Shared Secret
The name of the shared secret, which is used to generate the authenticator source. The default value is to leave the field blank.
Registered Delivery
Requests an SMSC delivery receipt or SME originated acknowledgments. Valid values are:
  • No Delivery Receipt (default)
  • Delivery Receipt
Service ID
The service ID. Enter a string value with a 10-character length. The default value is to leave the field blank.
Message Format
The format of the message encoding. Valid values are:
  • ASCII Encoding
  • Message Write Card Operation
  • Binary Message
  • UCS2 Encoding (default)
  • GBK Encoding
Note: To support a Chinese character set in the message content, the format should be UCS2 or GBK.