General Configuration Options

Time of Day Triggering
Select Enable or Disable (default) from the list. If you select Enable, this MPE device supports time-of-day triggering when evaluating policy rules. For more information on time-of-day triggering, refer to Policy Wizard Reference.
Billing Day
If true, you can configure a global monthly billing day for subscribers who do not have a specific day configured in their profiles in a back-end database.
Billing Day of Month
If Billing Day is enabled, enter the day of the month on which subscriber usage counters are reset. This date is the default billing date for all subscribers handled by this MPE device; billing dates can be changed on a per-subscriber basis.
Billing Time Zone
Select the time zone used for billing cycle calculations. If this feature is configured, the user equipment time zone, even if reported, is irrelevant for billing cycle calculations.
Observe Daylight Saving Changes
If true, the MPE device observes Daylight Saving Time for the configured Billing Time Zone.
Default Local Time Mode
Select the time used within a session for a user from the list: System Local Time to use the local time of the MPE device (default) or User Local Time to use the local time for the user.
Note: If the time zone was never provided for the user equipment, system local time is applied.
Enable Pro Rate
If false or undefined, the full monthly quota for subscribers is granted for the billing cycle following a quota reset.
If true, the monthly quota for subscribers is prorated, on a per-quota basis (for up to 30 quotas), for the billing cycle following a quota reset, based on the value of the Billing Date Effective field in the profile for the subscriber profile. This is a global setting affecting all subscribers. (If the field value is null, usage will not be prorated.)
Billing Date Effective Name
Enter the name of the custom field in subscriber profiles to use for the SPR variable NewBillingDateEffective. The default is null. This is a global setting affecting all subscribers.
  • To specify a local time in the SPR, the field must be in the format:
  • To specify a time zone (UTC offset), the field must be in the format:

    For example: 2011-10-30T00:00:00-5:00

Track Usage for Unknown Users
If true, the MPE device tracks usage and state per subscriber ID, even if the subscriber is not registered in the SPR. If tracking was enabled and is now disabled, usage and state is no longer tracked for unknown users, but existing usage and state data is retained.
Subscribe For Unknown Users
If Validate user is false (at the MPE device), then unknown users are allowed to create sessions. In this case, if Subscribe for Unknown Users is true, then the MPE device will subscribe for those users.
Note: This setting is only for the MPE device and does not have any effect on the SPR. There are settings in the SPR that must be set to allow auto-enrolling.
Use Single Lookup
If true, the MPE device reads multiple Sh user data blocks (subscriber, quota usage, and entity state) with a single read request. If you enable this feature, you must also configure the Sh data source with the option Notif-Eff (see Configuring an Sh Data Source).
If false, separate lookups are used.
Use Combined Writes
If true, the MPE device will combine the updates (PUR messages) resulting from a single user request into a single PUR update to the SPR. The PUR will contain both the quota usage and state updates for the user. This reduces the number of transactions between the MPE and SPR.
Cache Quota Usage
If true, the MPE device caches the quota usage objects locally for as long as the user session exists.
If false, objects are cached for a default of 60 seconds.
Cache Entity State
If true, the MPE device caches the entity state objects locally for as long as the user session exists. If disabled, objects are cached for a default of 60 seconds.
Subscribe Quota Usage
If true, the MPE device subscribes to receive notifications from the SPR for any changes to the quota.
Subscribe Entity State
If true, the MPE device subscribes to receive notifications from the SPR for any changes to the entity state.