RADIUS Configuration Options

RADIUS Enabled
When selected, the MPE device processes RADIUS messages.
When not selected, RADIUS messages are ignored.
The default is enabled.
RADIUS Ports (Listening)
Enter a comma-separated list of UDP port numbers that the MPE device listens on for RADIUS messages.
The default is 1813,3799.
Concatenate Multiply Occurring VSA's
When selected, if a string VSA appears multiple times in a RADIUS message, the values are concatenated to form one large value.
When not selected, if a string VSA appears multiple times in a RADIUS message, the value of the last TLV or VSA is used, and the earlier values are ignored. The default is disabled (earlier values are ignored).
Validate User
When selected, if an SPR lookup fails for a subscriber, the MPE device rejects the request.
When not selected, if an SPR lookup fails for a subscriber, the MPE device creates a dummy subscriber instance to store necessary information for later use. The default is disabled (requests are processed).
Default Passphrase
Enter the default passphrase (a text string). This shared secret value is used when no shared secret is defined for a specific RADIUS network element. The same shared secret is used for decrypting accounting requests and CoA responses and encoding accounting and CoA responses.
If you enter no passphrase and either of the fields in the associated network elements are not set, then the MPE device ignores RADIUS requests and responses.
The default is radius.