Subscriber Indexing Configuration Options

Index by IPv4
Select if the associated Subscriber Profile Repository is indexed by IPv4 address.
Index by IP-Domain-ID
Select if the associated Subscriber Profile Repository is indexed by IP domain ID. The combination of framed IPv4 address and IP domain ID ensures a globally unique binding, even if the same IPv4 address is locally assigned in multiple networks.
Index by IPv6
Select if the associated Subscriber Profile Repository is indexed by IPv6 address.
Index by Username
Select if the associated Subscriber Profile Repository is indexed by account ID.
Index by NAI
Select if the associated Subscriber Profile Repository is indexed by network access ID.
Index by E.164 (MSISDN)
Select if the associated Subscriber Profile Repository is indexed by E.164 phone number.
Index by IMSI
Select if the associated Subscriber Profile Repository is indexed by International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) number.
Overrides by APN
Select to configure an alternate subscriber indexing by IP address, Username, NAI, E.164 (MSISDN) and IMSI for a specific access point name (APN).
  1. In the Overrides by APN section, click Add.
  2. Enter the APN name.
    Note: APN names are alphanumeric and have the following restrictions:
    • A 255 character limit
    • No spaces or special characters such as asterisks
    • Can contain hyphens (-) and periods (.) but must not begin or end with a hyphen or period
    Example name:
  3. Select one or more of the following:
    • Index by IPv4
    • Index by IP-Domain-Id
    • Index by IPv6
    • Index by Username
    • Index by NAI
    • Index by E.164 (MSISDN)
    • Index by IMSI
    • Index by Session ID
  4. click Save
You can create new APN overrides by cloning or editing existing APN overrides. You can also delete an APN override.