Expert Settings for MPE

Expert Settings for MPE
Category Configuration Key Description Default
Admission ADMISSION.DIAMETER.​RequestProcessingLimit The maximum amount of time a request can be processed before being dropped, if no answer has been sent. Specified in milliseconds. 5000
Database DB.User.EnableBillingStartDate Enables the use of the billing date effective name from the profile for the subscriber. This is used as a start date for the plan and is also used to calculate the next reset time. true
Diameter DIAMETER.AF.AuditForAuthLifetime Enables the configuration of a minimum and maximum lifetime for an AF session. False
Diameter DIAMETER.AF.AuthLifetime The maximum lifetime of an AF session. Otherwise the corresponding AF session would be purged subject to the configured grace period. Specified in seconds. Valid range is 300 to 58060800. 86400 (1 day)
Diameter DIAMETER.AF.MinAuthLifetime The minimum lifetime of an AF session. Otherwise the corresponding AF session would be purged subject to the configured grace period. Specified in seconds. 300
Diameter DIAMETER.AF.​EnableGracePeriodForSubscriptionExpiry Enables the configuration of a grace period for an AF session. False
Diameter DIAMETER.AF.​GracePeriodForSubscriptionExpiry Indicates the maximum configured grace period for an AF session, which is added to the negotiated AuthLifeTime to determine if a given AF session can be considered stale and purged. Specified in seconds. Valid range is 0 to 86400. 86400 (1 day)
Diameter DIAMETER.AF.​SignallingSessionAuthLifetime Indicates the maximum configured period for an Rx sessions containing signaling flow past which the session is considered stale. Specified in seconds. Valid range is 300 to 58060800. 259200 (3 days)
Diameter DIAMETER.AppsToEvaluateOnTermination Indicates applications for which policy evaluation is triggered when a terminate request is received. Specified as a comma-separated string containing the names of the applications for which policy engine should evaluate termination requests. DIAMETER.
Valid values are:
  • Gx
  • Rx
  • Sd
  • S9

PolicyExecutionOnSessionTermination must be set to false to use this configuration.

Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.AuditRxSessions If enabled, an RAR message is sent for auditing.
Note: This is for future releases and has not been implemented yet.
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.AuditSySessions If enabled, an SLR (INTERMEDIATE) message is sent for auditing. If disabled, the Sy session is checked for an association with an IP-CAN session. If there are no IP-CAN associations, the Sy session is considered active; otherwise, the session is deleted.
Note: This is for future releases and has not been implemented yet.
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.CleanupStaleRxSessions Determines if the MPE device should consider AF sessions in the regular cleanup cycles. If enabled, AF sessions are considered expired if they have lived longer than the specified AFSessionValidityTime.
Note: At that point, in future releases, if AuditAFSessions is set to True, an RAR will be sent for auditing the session.
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.OverrideCleanupAudit This specifies if the regular audit processing for cleaning up a stale session is overridden. When enabled, the cleanup task bypasses the audit process and deletes all sessions that are stale for the session validity time. False
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.RXSessionValidityTime The amount of time in seconds after which the session is expired and is purged if EnabledAFSessionCleanup is enabled. 86400 (1 day)
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.SessionCleanupInterval The amount of time in seconds after which the cleanup task will run to look for stale sessions. 21600 (6 hours)
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.SessionValidityTime The amount of time in seconds after which a session in a binding is declared stale. Valid range is 1 to 8640000. 432000 (5 days)
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.SySessionValidityTime The amount of time in seconds after which the session is declared stale and deemed a candidate for cleanup. 36000 (10 hours)
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.​AuditSySendEmptyPolicyCounterList If enabled, the Policy Counter Identifier subscription list is not sent as part of an SLR (INTERMEDIATE) message to audit stale Sy sessions. If disabled, the current Policy Counter Identifier subscription list is sent as part of an SLR (INTERMEDIATE) message to audit stale Sy sessions. True
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.​MaxDurationForSessionIteration The maximum duration in seconds to iterate through the sessions. Valid range is 1 through 86400. 7200 (2 hours)
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.​MaxSessionCleanupRate The rate (in sessions/sec) at which the cleanup task attempts to clean stale sessions. Valid range is 1 through 5000. 50
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.​MaxSessionIterationRate The rate (in sessions/sec) at which the cleanup task iterates through the sessions database. Valid range is 1 through 100000. 1000
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.​MaxSessionValidityTime The maximum amount of time in seconds after which the session is cleaned up on any error. Valid range is 1 through 8640000. 172800 (2 days)
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.​MaxSySessionValidityTime The maximum amount of time in seconds after which the Sy session is cleaned up on any error. Valid range is 1 through 8640000. 172800 (2 days)
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.​SessionCleanupStartTime Schedules the cleanup task once a day at a specified time. If the start time is specified, then it is scheduled to run once a day at the given time. The value can be specified in either a 24-hr format (HH:mm) or an exact date and time (YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) of when it will first run and then repeat at the interval specified. undefined
Diameter DIAMETER.ENF.MaxTimeForAnGwFailure The maximum time allowed after getting indication for SGW failure in which the MPE device does not send any new or updated policies to the P-GW except rules to be removed. Specified in seconds. 3600
Diameter DIAMETER.ENF.​ReevaluateGeneratedDefaultRule If set to True, on receipt of a session update request the MPE device evaluates the flow which contains the generated default rule even when there is no new default-EPS-Bearer-QoS information in the request. False
Diameter DIAMETER.ENF.​RegisterForAnGwChangeWithSGWRest If the SGW-Rest supported feature was negotiated and the value of this parameter is false, the MPE device checks if AN_GW_CHANGED event trigger is one of the armed event triggers to be installed and removes it. As a result, the MPE device will not register for AN_GW_CHANGE. False
Diameter DIAMETER.EnableSessionCleanUp Enables the DiameterSessionCleanUp Task. True
Diameter DIAMETER.PCEF.NetLocSupportedAccesses A combination of values used for network location (NetLoc) support. The format is IPCanType:RATType:AN-Trusted. If not set, any types or values are applicable.

For example:

THREEGPP_GPRS means to support NetLoc as if IPCanType=THREEGPP_GPRS.


NON_THREEGPP_EPS::TRUSTED means to support NetLoc when IPCanType=NON_THREEGPP_EPS and ANTrusted=TRUSTED.

:: means all accesses support NetLoc.

Diameter DIAMETER.PolicyExecutionOnSessionTermination If enabled (True), policy evaluation will be triggered for all applications when a terminate request is received. This configuration must be disabled (False) to use DIAMETER.AppsToEvaluateOnTermination to selectively trigger policy evaluation by application. True
Diameter DIAMETER.SessionUniquenessControl If enabled (True), the MPE cluster will maintain session uniqueness and avoid stale session processing. False
Diameter DIAMETER.​SessionUniquenessControlWaitTime If enabled (True), the Max-Wait-Time AVP is used in conjunction with the message origination time stamp to determine staleness of message. False
SH SH.Retry.Enabled If enabled, indicates that the MPE device retries the Sh Requests for UDR, PUR, and SNR to the backup server when the primary server returns one of the defined error codes. PNA messages are not retried. If the backup server returns an error, then retry is not performed on the primary server. False
SH SH.Retry.EnabledOnTimeout If enabled with the SH.Retry.Enabled setting, allows the MPE to retry an Sh Request to a backup datasource server when there is a response timeout. If the request to backup server times out, then a retry is not performed on the primary server. This setting depends on the configuration of the SH.Retry.Enabled and SH.ResponseTimeout settings. You can configure the SH.ResponseTimeout in the Service Overrides section of the Advanced Settings page. False
SMPP SMPP.SendSMSNowWhenDeliveryDateInPast In SMS:SMPP mode, determines if SMS notifications scheduled to be delivered in the past will be dropped or delivered. If false, SMS notifications scheduled to be delivered on a date in the past will be dropped. If true, SMS notifications scheduled to be delivered on a date in the past will be delivered immediately. False
SMSXML SMSXML.SendSMSNowWhenDeliveryDateInPast In SMS:XML mode, determines if SMS notifications scheduled to be delivered in the past will be dropped or delivered. If false, SMS notifications scheduled to be delivered on a date in the past will be dropped. If true, SMS notifications scheduled to be delivered on a date in the past will be delivered immediately. False
SY SY.Reconciliation.Enabled Determines whether the Sy Reconciliation is activated and an audit of Sy sessions will be executed on a recovery from a split-brain scenario. False
SY SY.Reconciliation.HoldTimer The time in seconds after receipt of a notification of recovery from a split-brain scenario the Sy Reconciliation task will wait before starting. 180
SY SY.Reconciliation.MaxSessionReconcileRate The rate (in sessions/sec) at which the tasks will attempt to send Sy SLR Messages to reconcile Sy sessions. 50
SY SY.SendOriginationTimestamp If enabled (True), the message origination timestamp will be included as part of the initial SLR Sy message. False
Diameter DIAMETER.Cleanup.MaxSySessionValidityTime   172800
Diameter DIAMETER.ConnectionTimeOut   3
KPI KPI.Capacity.Session   1
KPI KPI.Capacity.TPS   1