Expert Settings for MRA

Expert Settings for MRA
Category Configuration Key Description Default
Admission ADMISSION.DIAMETER.RequestProcessingLimit The maximum amount of time in milliseconds a request can be processed before being dropped, if no answer has been sent. 5000
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.BindingCleanupInterval The interval in seconds at which the cleanup task that looks for stale bindings occurs. Valid range is 1 through 8640000. 86400 (1 day)
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.BindingValidityTime The amount of time in seconds elapsed until a binding is deemed stale. Valid range is 1 through 8640000. 864000 (10 days)
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.CheckForStaleBindings Check for stale bindings during the cleanup cycle, which is determined by the current time being greater than the DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup. BindingValidityTime. If this is set to false, the cleanup task will not check if the entire binding is stale. False
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.​CheckForStaleSessionsInBinding Check for stale sessions in binding determined by the current time being greater than the SessionValidityTime. If this is disabled, the cleanup task checks the entire binding only. True
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.CheckForSuspectBindings Check for suspect bindings during the cleanup cycle. If this is set to false, the cleanup task checks that an entire binding is stale. True
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.CleanupStartTime Schedules the cleanup task once a day at a specified time. If a time is specified, then it is scheduled to run once a day at the given time. The value can be specified in either a 24-hr format (HH:mm) or an exact date and time (YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) of when it will first run and then repeat at the interval specified. Undefined
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.MaxBindingCleanupRate The rate (in bindings/sec) at which the cleanup task attempts to clean stale bindings. Valid range is 1 through 40000. 250
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.MaxBindingIterationRate The rate (in bindings/sec) at which the cleanup task iterates through the binding database. Valid range is 1 through 100000. 1000
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.​MaxDurationForBindingIteration The maximum duration in seconds to iterate through the bindings. Valid range is 1 through 2147483647. 21600 (5 hours)
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.MaxSessionValidityTime The maximum amount of time in seconds after which the session is cleaned up on any error. Valid range is 1 through 8640000. 864000 (10 days)
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Cleanup.SessionValidityTime The amount of time in seconds after which a session in a binding is declared stale. Valid range is 1 through 8640000. 432000 (5 days)
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.StaticMigrationModeEnabled Enables the static to stateful MRA migration mode. While in this mode, static routes are used for MPE selection only. False
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Routing.RemoteDiversion If enabled, the MRA diverts messages remotely when necessary. False
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Routing.LocalDiversion If enabled, the MRA diverts messages locally when necessary. True
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.Routing.FailedDiversionResult Determines the Result Code to use when the MRA can not perform local or remote diversion. The format is VendorID:Code. If the VendorID is not needed, use a value of 0 (zero). The default is DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY. 0:3004
Diameter DIAMETERDRA.ConnectionTimeOut   3
KPI KPIMRA.Capacity.Bindings   1
KPI KPIMRA.Capacity.TPS   1