Reversing Georedundant Cluster Preference

If your system has been configured for georedundancy (Manage Geo-Redundant mode is enabled), there can be situations when you need to change the preference of the servers in a cluster to be active or spare. See Georedundant Site Preferences for more information.

To reverse a georedundant cluster preference:

  1. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens; the initial group is All Clusters.

  2. From the content tree, select All Clusters.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens.

  3. Click View for the cluster you want to modify.

    The Topology Configuration page opens, displaying information about the cluster.

  4. Click Modify Cluster Settings.
  5. In the Cluster Settings section of the page:
    • To set the preference to reverse (where the active Site 1 becomes the inactive site and Site 2 becomes the active site), toggle to Reverse.
    • To set the preference to normal (where the active Site 2 becomes the inactive site and Site 1 becomes the active site), toggle to Normal.
  6. Click Save.
The cluster preferences are reversed.