Setting Up a CMP Cluster

To set up a CMP cluster:
  1. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens; the initial group is All Clusters.

    If a CMP Site1 cluster is not yet defined, a message appears asking you to add CMP Site 1 cluster.

  2. Click Add CMP Site1 Cluster.

    The Topology Configuration page opens.
    Note: The Name and Appl Type fields are fixed.

  3. Select the HW Type from the list.

    Available options are:
    • C-Class (default)—HP Enterprise ProLiant BL460 Gen8 server
    • C-Class (Segregated Traffic) (a configuration where Signaling and other networks are separated onto physically separate equipment)—HP Enterprise ProLiant BL460 Gen8
    • Oracle RMS—Oracle Server X5-2
    • RMS
    • VM—virtual machine

  4. If you selected C-Class, C-Class(Segregated Traffic), or Oracle RMS, enter the General Network - VLAN IDs.

    Enter the OAM, SIG-A, and (optionally) SIG-B virtual LAN (VLAN) IDs.

    VLAN IDs are in the range 1 to 4095. The default values are:
    • OAM3
    • SIG-A5
    • SIG-B6

  5. Click Add New VIP.

    The New OAM VIP dialog box appears:

    1. Enter the OAM VIP and the mask.

      This is the IP address the CMP server uses to communicate with a Policy Management cluster.
      Note: Enter the IPv4 address in standard dot format and its subnet mask in CIDR notation from 0 to 32, or the IPv6 address in standard 8-part colon-separated hexadecimal string format and its subnet mask in CIDR notation from 0 to 128.

    2. Click Save.

      The OAM VIP and mask are saved.

    3. Repeat this step for a second OAM VIP, if needed.
  6. (Optional) To enter up to four signaling VIPs, click Add New VIP.

    The New Signaling VIP dialog box appears:

    1. Enter the signaling VIP and the mask.

      This is the IP address the CMP server uses to communicate with an external signaling network.
      Note: Enter the IPv4 address in standard dot format and its subnet mask in CIDR notation from 0 to 32, or the IPv6 address in standard 8-part colon-separated hexadecimal string format and its subnet mask in CIDR notation from 0 to 128.

    2. From the Interface list, select one of the following:

      • SIG-A
      • SIG-B

    3. Click Save.

      The signaling VIP and mask are saved.

    4. Repeat this step for up to three additional signaling VIPs.
  7. Configure the active server by doing the following:
    1. Click Add New IP.

      The New IP dialog box appears.

    2. Enter the IP address for the server.

      Up to two IP addresses can be entered (one IPv4 and one IPv6). Use the IPv4 standard dot-formatted IP address string and the IPv6 standard 8-part colon-separated hexadecimal string format.

    3. Select the preferred IP address format.

      The server will preferentially use the IP address of the selected format.
      Note: The following restrictions apply:
      • If neither an IPv6 OAM IP nor a static IP address is defined, IPv6 is not available.
      • If neither an IPv4 OAM IP nor a static IP address is defined, IPv4 is not available.

    4. Click Save.

      The IP address for the active server is saved as Server A.

  8. (Optional) To enter a second IP address, repeat the previous step.

    Note: Up to two IP addresses can be entered (one IPv4 and one IPv6).

  9. Enter the host name for the server.

    The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_). This name must exactly match the host name for this server (that is, the output of the Linux command uname –n).
    • If the server has a configured server IP address, click Load, which retrieves the remote server host name. If retrieval fails, you must enter the host name.

  10. Select Forced Standby, which forces the server into standby mode.

    Note: The state is set automatically when a new server is added to a cluster or if a server setting is modified and another server already exists in the cluster.

  11. Click Save.

    A confirmation message appears.

  12. Click OK.

    A restart message appears.

  13. Click OK.

    The active server restarts.

  14. Log back in to the CMP server.
  15. From the Platform Setting section of the navigation pane, select Topology Settings.

    The Cluster Configuration page opens; the initial group is All Clusters.

  16. From the content tree, select the CMP Site 1 Cluster.

    The Topology Configuration page opens.

  17. Select Modify Server-B, and enter the appropriate information for the secondary server of the cluster.
  18. Click Save.
The CMP cluster topology is defined.

After you define the topology, use the System tab of each server to determine if there are any topology mismatches. See About Reapplying a Configuration for more information.

After you define the primary CMP cluster, you can repeat this procedure to define a georedundant secondary CMP cluster. See Setting Up a Georedundant Site before adding a secondary CMP cluster.

Note: Backup traffic between CMP sites can be sent between servers over the BKUP network.