Adding a Network Element to a Network Element Group

After a network element group is created, you can add individual network elements to the group.

To add a network element to a network element group:

  1. From the Network section of the navigation pane, select Network Elements.

    The content tree displays a list of network element groups; the initial group is ALL.

  2. From the content tree, select the network element group.

    The Network Element Administration page opens in the work area, displaying the contents of the selected network element group.

  3. Click Add Network Element.

    The Add Network Elements page opens. The page supports both small and large networks, as follows:

    • If there are 25 or fewer network elements defined, the page displays the network elements not already part of the group.
    • If there are more than 25 network elements defined, the page does not display any elements. Instead, use the Search Pattern field to filter the list. Enter an asterisk (*) to generate a global search, or a search pattern to locate only those network elements whose name matches the pattern (for example, star*, *pGw, or *-*). When you have defined a search string, click Filter; the page displays the filtered list.
  4. Select the network element you want to add. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple network elements.

    You can also add previously defined groups of network elements by selecting those groups.

  5. Click Save.
The network element is added to the network element group.