Creating a Network Element Sub-group

You can create sub-groups to further organize your network element network. To add a network element sub-group to an existing network element group:
  1. From the Network section of the navigation pane, select Network Elements.

    The content tree displays a list of network element groups; the initial group is ALL.

  2. From the content tree, select the network element group.

    The Network Element Administration page opens in the work area, displaying the contents of the selected network element group.

  3. Click Create Sub-Group.

    The Create Group page opens.

  4. Enter the name of the new sub-group.

    The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_).

  5. Enter a text description of the sub-group.
  6. Click Save.
The sub-group is added to the selected group, and now appears in the listing.