Data Source Indexed by Username, NAI, MSISDN, or IMSI

If you selected Username (account ID), NAI (Network Access Identifier), E.164 (MSISDN) (phone number), or IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) as the indexing method on the Search Criteria tab, set the following parameters:
  1. Enter the Root DN.

    Specifies the location in the data source directory where the search starts.

    For example, ou=galactel_uk,
  2. Select the Scope of the search from the list:
    • One-Level

      Extends the scope of the LDAP data search to one level under the given Root DN.

    • Sub-Tree (default)

      Extends the scope of the LDAP search to the whole sub-tree under the given Root DN.

    • Object

      Restricts the scope of the LDAP search to the specified object.

  3. Enter the Key Attribute.

    This parameter identifies the attribute whose value is checked to match the key value of the query. Enter the attribute using the format KeyAttribute=KeyValue. If the Scope is One-Level or Sub-Tree, the attribute specifies the match criteria for the search.

  4. Enter an Extra Filter.

    Specifies free-form text that the MPE device appends to the search filter defined by the Key Attribute.

  5. Enter the Base DN Attribute.

    If the Scope is Object, the MPE device prepends this value to the Root DN when building the DN for a search.

  6. Enter the Key Transform Pattern.

    Specifies a regular expression (regex) pattern used to transform the key.

  7. Enter the Key Replace Pattern.

    Specifies a replacement string used to transform the key. For example, 17$2 means the new string starts with 17 and is followed by the group 2 ($2) pattern.

  8. Enter the Attributes.

    Specifies a comma-separated list of entries defining which objects will be returned from the LDAP data source search. The default value is null, meaning that all values returned. Otherwise, each entry should use one or more of the following formats:

    • attr

      The name of the attribute that is returned by this search, for example nai. You can use attribute names to define policies.

    • field=attr

      Each specified attribute (attr) is stored in a Policy Content Property (PCP) named {field}. For example, name=nai. You can use the PCP name to define policies

    • field=attr[from:to]
      The specified subset of the attribute (attr) is stored in a Policy Content Property (PCP) named {field}. The from and to values define the starting and ending points in the string. For example, if the NAI for the retrieved record is Chartwell, then name=nai[1:3] stores the string Cha in a PCP named name. You can use the PCP name to define policies.
      Note: A value of 0 in from indicates the beginning of the value. A value of 0 in to indicates the end of the value.
  9. Proceed with Defining LDAP Subscription ID Filters.