Configuring Sh Server Information

On the Server Info tab:

  1. Select to enable the Admin State.

    The default value is enabled. If disabled, the server receives no primary or secondary queries.

  2. Enter the server's Realm.
    For example,
  3. Select to Enable Subscription.

    If enabled, the MPE device subscribes to receive updates to data source records which have previously been sent to the device.
    Note: If Enable Subscription for the Sh data source is selected, enabling Combine Lookup And Subscription (see Configuring Sh Settings) allows the system to combine user profile changes within the SNR/SNA requests for all users. If Enable Subscription is not selected, the system sends UDR/UDA requests but no SNR/SNA requests.

  4. Enter a Unique Name to identify the data source.

    Use alphanumeric and special characters.

  5. Select to Use Notif-Eff.

    If enabled, the Sh data source reads multiple user data blocks in a single message. Enable this option only if the Sh data source supports this functionality.

  6. Select the Sh Profile from the list:

    • ProfileV1 (default)

      Select for generic Sh data repositories.

    • ProfileV2

      Select for SPR release 7.5 and earlier. This release supports user, quota and state service indications for individual subscribers.

    • ProfileV3

      Select for SPR release 8.0 and higher. This release supports pools, pooled quotas, and pool states.

    • ProfileV4

      Select for Oracle Communications User Data Repository (UDR) release 10.0 and higher. This release supports dynamic quotas for both individual users and pools.

  7. Select the Protocol Timer Profile.

    See Managing Protocol Timer Profiles for more information.

  8. Select the Transport protocol:

    • TCP
      Indicates the MPE device will communicate with this data source using Transmission Control Protocol.
      • Select the number of Connections (up to a maximum of 8) from the list.
    • SCTP
      Indicates the MPE device will communicate with this data source using Stream Control Transmission Protocol.
      • Select the number of Max Incoming Streams (up to a maximum of 8) from the list.
      • Select the number of Max Outcoming Streams (up to a maximum of 8) from the list.

  9. Enter the information for the Primary Server:
    1. Enter the Primary Identity.

      Specifies the host name (Diameter identity) or FQDN of the primary server.

    2. Enter the Primary Address.

      Specified the IP address of the primary server. If omitted, the Primary Identity of the primary server is used to look up the server address.

    3. Enter the Primary Port.

      The default value is 3868.

    4. Enter the OAM IP.

      Specifies the IP address the Oracle Access Management (that is, the CMP server) uses when communicating to the Sh data source when using RESTful APIs.

    5. Enter the Secondary Identity.

      Specifies the host name (Diameter identity) or FQDN of the secondary server.

    6. Enter the Secondary Address.

      Specifies the IP address of the secondary server. If omitted, the secondary identity of the secondary server is used to look up the server address.

    7. Enter the Secondary Port.

      The default value is 3868.

  10. Enter the information for the Backup Server:
    1. Enter the Primary Identity.

      Specifies the host name (Diameter identity) or FQDN of the primary server.

    2. Enter the Primary Address.

      Specified the IP address of the primary server. If omitted, the Primary Identity of the primary server is used to look up the server address.

    3. Enter the Primary Port.

      The default value is 3868.

    4. Enter the OAM IP.

      Specifies the IP address the Oracle Access Management (that is, the CMP server) uses when communicating to the Sh data source when using RESTful APIs.

    5. Enter the Secondary Identity.

      Specifies the host name (Diameter identity) or FQDN of the secondary server.

    6. Enter the Secondary Address.

      Specifies the IP address of the secondary server. If omitted, the secondary identity of the secondary server is used to look up the server address.

    7. Enter the Secondary Port.

      The default value is 3868.

  11. Click Save to save your changes or proceed with Defining Sh Search Criteria (optional).