Reapplying a Configuration to an S-CMP's MRA Devices

To reapply the configuration associated with a group of MRA devices:

  1. On the S-CMP, from the MRA section of the navigation pane, select Configuration.

    The content tree displays a list of MRA groups; the initial group is ALL.

  2. From the content tree, select the group.

    The MRA Administration page opens in the work area.

  3. From the Operations list, select Reapply Config.

    The Bulk Reapply Config dialog opens stating the number of devices affected.

  4. Specify the delay time (in seconds) for applying the operation to each device in the group.

    The valid range of seconds is 0 to 60. The default value is 0.

  5. Click Reapply Config.

    An in-progress message displays. After the action completes, a message displays: Reapply Config of MRAs: 2 successful, 0 failed. Successful: <list of devices successfully reconfigured>.

All of the MRA devices in a group are synchronized with the NW-CMP server.