Rediscovering a Cluster

After reapplying a configuration or deleting a failed server, use the Rediscover Cluster operation to refresh the Cluster Information Report. The Rediscover Cluster operation rediscovers the cluster, deleting any failed servers that have been removed from service or refreshing the status of any failed servers after reapplying the configuration.

To rediscover a cluster:

  1. From the appropriate section of the navigation pane (for example, Policy Server or MRA), select Configuration.

    The content tree displays a list of Policy Management device groups; the initial group is ALL.

  2. From the content tree, select the server or cluster.

    The corresponding administration page opens in the work area.

  3. Click the Reports tab.

    The Reports tab opens.

  4. Click Rediscover Cluster.

    The Cluster Information Report is updated.

The cluster is rediscovered.