Importing Configuration Object Files

To import XML or ZIP files, use the following file naming conventions:
  • If you are importing a ZIP file, the filename for the inner ZIP file must be
  • If you are importing a series of XML files, Oracle recommends the file naming convention obj_type + Export[sequence_number] + *.xml. For example:
    • networkelementExport1_20150501.xml
    • networkelementExport2_20150501.xml
    • networkelementExport3_20150501.xml
    Note: If there are multiple files of one type, the sequence number is necessary. Any object groups for import should be included in the last file of the sequence.
  1. From the System Administration section of the navigation pane, expand Import/Export.
  2. Select Import.

    The import file upload form and options appear.

  3. Click Browse to locate the file to be imported.
  4. Select a processing option to use to Handle collisions between imported items and existing items:
    • Delete all before importing

      The CMP system deletes all objects for each object type matching the import file before importing the object type XML file.

      Attention: This import strategy can result in object inconsistency. For example, if you import a ZIP file that only contains traffic profiles, all the traffic profiles are deleted first. However, if existing policies depend on the existing traffic profiles, and the import file does not contain them, the policies can become invalid.
    • Overwrite with imported version

      For each object in the import file, if the object exists in the CMP system, the import updates the object with the configuration contained in the import file. If an object does not exist, the CMP system adds the object to the system.

    • Reject any that already exist

      For objects that already exist in CMP system, the import action does nothing. For objects that do not exist in the CMP system, the import adds the objects to the system.

    • Any collisions prevent all importing

      The CMP system compares all objects in the import file with objects in the system. If any object exists, the entire import is canceled.

    • Validate without importing

      If an MD5 file (part of the ZIP file) is present, the CMP system performs an MD5 checksum on the ZIP file and compares the hash value with that in the MD5 file. If the hash values match, the system validates each XML file contained in the inner ZIP file. The CMP system then performs a collision check between the system and the XML files and indicates if any exists.

  5. Select one or more Options:
    • Skip checksum

      If unselected and an MD5 file (part of the ZIP file) is present, the CMP system performs a checksum on the inner ZIP file and compares the hash value with that of the MD5 file from the ZIP file. If the values do not match, the import action is canceled.

      If selected, the CMP system does not perform a checksum and proceeds with the import.

    • Perform checkpoint before importing

      If selected, the CMP system uses the Checkpoint function to save a file with all the configuration objects that exist in the system. The checkpoint file is saved in the CMP database. See Checkpoint and Importing Objects for more information.

  6. Click Import.
The configuration objects and their configuration settings are imported into the CMP database. After the import is complete, the window reports the results for each XML file contained in the ZIP file. Results include whether a file was successfully imported or the number of objects successfully updated. Any problems during the import action appear in red text.
Note: As the result of memory limitations, the CMP system only displays the first 2000 characters for each import type file.

The checkpoint file and the checkpoint management functions are accessed using Policy Checkpoint/Restore under the Policy Management section. Refer to the Policy Wizard Reference for details on managing policy checkpoint files.