Filtering the Trace Log

The Trace Log can contain a large number of messages. To reduce the number, the log can be filtered using several criteria.

To filter the trace log information:

  1. From the System Administration section of the navigation pane, select Trace Log.

    The Trace Log page opens in the work area.

  2. Click View Trace Log.

    The Trace Log Viewer window opens. While the data is being retrieved, the a progress message displays.

  3. To view the trace log for a different server, select from the Trace Log Viewer for Server and click Search.

    The trace log for the selected server displays.

  4. Specify the filtering parameters using any of the following fields.
    • Start Date/Time

      Click (calendar icon), specify a date and time, and then click Enter.

    • End Date/Time

      Click (calendar icon), specify a date and time, and then click Enter.

    • Trace Codes

      Enter one or a comma-separated list of trace code IDs. Trace code IDs are integers up to 10 digits long.

    • Use timezone of remote server for Start Date/Time

      Select to use the time of a remote server (if it is in a different time zone) instead of the time of the CMP server.

    • Severity

      Filter by severity level. Events with the selected severity and higher are displayed. For example, if the severity selected is Warning, the trace log displays events with the severity level Warning.

    • Contains
      Enter a text string to search. For example, if you enter connection, all events containing the word connection display. This field does not use wildcards and is not case specific.
      Note: The Start Date/Time setting overrides the Contains setting. For example, if you search for events happening this month, and search for a string in events last month and this month, only results from this month are listed.
  5. Click Search.

    The filtered log displays.

  6. Click Close.

    The Trace Log Viewer window closes.