Configuring the Manager Log

Note: To view the Manager Log menu in the navigation pane, you must enable Debug Mode. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) for more information.
You can use the Manager Log to configure the default debug logs severity message levels for the CMP system subcomponents.
Note: For information on configuring debug logs, see Configuring Debug Logs.

To configure the Manager Log:

  1. From the System Administration section of the navigation pane, select Manager Log.

    The Manager Log page opens in the work area.

  2. Click Modify.

    The Manager Log page becomes editable.

  3. In the Tomcat Log Configuration section of the page:
    1. Enter the Scan Period (Seconds).

      The default value is 20 seconds.

    2. Select the Root Log Level:

      Available options are:
      • OFF

        Turns off logging.

      • ERROR

        Designates error events which may or may not be fatal to the application.

      • WARN (default)

        Designates potentially harmful situations.

      • INFO

        Designates informational messages highlighting overall progress of the application.

      • DEBUG

        Designates information events of lower importance.

      • TRACE

        Designates informational events of very low importance.

      • ALL

        Records all logging levels.

      CAUTION: Before changing any default logging level, consider the implications. Lowering the log level setting from its default value (for example, from WARN to INFO) causes more notifications to be recorded in the log and can adversely affect performance. Similarly, raising the log level setting (for example, from WARN to ERROR) causes fewer notifications to be recorded in the log and may cause you to miss important notifications.

  4. In the File Apppender Configuration section of the page, for each appender file listed:
    1. Enter the Maximum File Size.

      The file size is in megabytes.

    2. Enter the Maximum File Count.
  5. In the DC Log Configuration section of the page:
    1. Enter the Scan Period (Seconds).

      The default value is 20 seconds.

    2. Select the Root Log Level.
  6. In the File Apppender Configuration section of the page, for each appender file listed:
    1. Enter the Maximum File Size.

      The file size is in megabytes.

    2. Enter the Maximum File Count.
  7. Click Save.
The Manager Log is configured.