Adding a Subscriber Dynamic Quota Category

To add a subscriber dynamic quota category:
  1. From the SPR section of the navigation pane, select Profile Data.

    The Subscriber Profile Administration page opens.

  2. Find the subscriber profile you want to view.

    Profile information is displayed. (See Finding a Subscriber Profile for information on finding a subscriber profile.)

  3. Select the Dynamic Quota tab.

    The Dynamic Quota page is displayed.

  4. Click Create.

    The Create Subscriber Dynamic Quota page opens. If you exceed 10 dynamic quotas, you are prompted with a message to add more; click Yes to continue, or No to stop.

  5. Enter the following information:

    • InstanceID
      A unique identifier.
      Note: Do not enter a colon (:) as part of this identifier.
    • Name

      Select the name of a dynamic quota.

    • Description/Location

      Free-form text.

    • Type

      Select the type of quota defined in the CMP system. You can select pass or top-up.

    • Priority

      Defines the order in which the dynamic quota is processed.

      The range is -32768 to 32767 (Max 16-bit short). Higher priority passes are used before lower priority passes. A higher number indicates a higher priority.

    • Initial Time Limit (seconds)

      The initial value for time units granted by the dynamic quota.

    • Initial Total Volume Limit (bytes)

      The initial value for total volume units granted by the dynamic quota.

      The valid range is -263 to 263– 1 (64-bit value).

    • Initial Upstream Volume Limit (bytes)

      Enter a value, in bytes, to track upstream bandwidth volume consumption.

      The valid range is -263 to 263– 1 (64-bit value).

    • Initial Downstream Volume Limit (bytes)

      Enter a value, in bytes, to track downstream bandwidth volume consumption.

      The valid range is -263 to 263– 1 (64-bit value).

    • Initial Service Specific Limit (events)

      Enter a value representing service-specific resource consumption.

      The valid range is -263 to 263– 1 (64-bit value).

    • Purchase Time

      The date and time that the dynamic quota was purchased.

      For the Purchase Time, Active Time, and Expire Time fields, use the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[Z] (for example, 2011-11-01T00:00:01-5:00). Alternatively, click on the calendar icon, and from the window that opens, select a date, enter a time, and optionally select a UTC offset (time zone). Click OK.

    • Active Time

      The time period during when the dynamic quota can be used.

    • Expire Time

      The date and time the dynamic quota expires. If undefined, the dynamic quota does not expire.

    • Duration (seconds)

      The amount of time after the first use that the dynamic quota expires.

    • Interim Reporting Interval (seconds)
      If the units are granted from a top-up, then the Interim Reporting Interval is:
      • The number of seconds until the next quota reset
      • The interim reporting interval defined for the plan
      • The time until the top-up expires
      • The time until a higher priority top-up becomes active
      If the units are granted from a pass, then the Interim Reporting Interval is:
      • The interim reporting interval defined for the pass
      • The time until the pass expires
      • The earliest time that the current time will be outside the valid time period (if defined)
      • The time until a higher priority pass becomes active

  6. Click Save.
The subscriber quota is defined and the page displays the message Quota created successfully.