Creating a Subscriber Profile

If an SPR database is configured to use the RESTful API interface, you can manually create a subscriber profile.

To create a subscriber profile:

  1. From the SPR section of the navigation pane, select Profile Data.

    The Subscriber Profile Administration page opens.

  2. Click Create Subscriber Profile.

    The New Subscriber Profile page opens in the work area.

  3. Enter the following information:
    1. Select the Data Source Primary Diameter Identity.

      You can select any SPR device configured for the Policy Management network.

    2. In the Key Fields section, enter one format:

      • NAI

        Network Access Identifier. You must enter a valid user name, optionally followed by a valid realm name.

        A valid user name consists of the characters &, *, +, 0 thought 9,?, a through z, _, A through Z, {, }, !, #, $, %, ', ^, /, =, `, |, ~, -, optionally separated by a period (.).

        A valid realm name consists of the characters 0 through 9, a through z, and A through Z separated by one or more period (.), but the minus sign (-) cannot be first, last, or adjacent to a period.

      • E.164 (MSISDN)

        Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number. Enter up to 15 Unicode digits, optionally preceded by a plus sign (+).

      • IMSI

        International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Enter up to 15 Unicode digits.

    3. Optionally, in the Subscriber Information section, enter the following:

      • Account ID

        Free-form string that identifies the account for the subscriber. You can enter up to 255 characters.

      • Billing Day

        The day of the month on which the quota for the subscriber is reset.

        For a UDR or SDM system, the valid range is 0 through 31.

        For the Mediation server, the valid values are 1 through 28 or 97 (the reciprocal third day in each month), 98 (the reciprocal second day in each month), or 99 (the last day in each month). To resolve the value gap between the UDR or SDM system and the Mediation server, values of 97, 98, and 99 on the mediation server are translated to 29, 30, and 31, respectively, before being sent to the UDR or SDM system.

        If you enter 0 or leave this field blank, then the default global value configured for this MPE device is used instead.

      • Tier

        The tier for the subscriber. Enter a tier name defined in the CMP database; or, if you click Manage, a window opens from which you can select a tier name. In order to add a tier, you must enter the tier name prior to clicking Manage. See Managing Subscribers for information on managing tiers

      • Entitlements
        The entitlements for the subscriber. Enter the entitlement names; or, if you click Manage, a window opens from which you can enter or select entitlement names defined in the CMP database. See Managing Subscribers for information on managing entitlements.
        Note: Entitlements are defined external to the CMP system.
      • Custom

        Free-form strings representing custom subscriber fields. You can enter up to 255 characters per field. By default, five fields are available, but if the subscriber profile has more than five custom fields defined, the page displays them. Click Add to create additional fields as needed.

      • User Billing Type

        The type of billing. Enter a value of 0 (online charging) or 1 (offline charging). The default value is 1.

      • User Notify MSISDN

        The mobile number used to send messages or reminders to users. Enter a character string of 1 through 15 characters in length.

      • User Status (not visibile with V4 profile)
        The quota status for the user. This value determines whether the user is within quota. Enter a value between 1 and 100.
        • A value of 1 means the user is within the quota.
        • A value of 2 means the user is outside the quota.
        • A value of 3 means the user exceeds the value of the top-up.
        • Values of 4 through 50 are used for united expansion in Group Company.
        • Values of 51 through 100 are used for expansion in companies in each province.

        If the user status has a value of 2 or 3, the value is reset to the default (0) on the date configured by the Billing Day field.

      • Package Type (optional with V4 profile)

        Indicates if the user is subscribing to the package.

      • Operate Time (required with V4 profile)

        The length of time the package is available. Specified in the 24-hour format of yyyymmddhhmmss, where hh is a 24-hour format.

  4. Click Save.
The subscriber profile is created.