Resetting a Subscriber Dynamic Quota

If you reset a dynamic quota, then the time, total volume, upstream volume, downstream volume and service specific events limit values that were provisioned in the SPR>Profile Data option are replaced with the initial values that were configured in the Quota Profiles or Quota Conventions option.

To reset a subscriber dynamic quota category:

  1. From the SPR section of the navigation pane, select Profile Data.

    The Subscriber Profile Administration page opens.

  2. Find the subscriber profile you want to view.

    Profile information is displayed. (See Finding a Subscriber Profile for information on finding a subscriber profile.)

  3. Select the Dynamic Quota tab.

    The Dynamic Quota page is displayed.

  4. Select the quotas you want to reset.

    To select all dynamic quotas, click All. To deselect all dynamic quotas, click None.

  5. Click Reset.

    A confirmation message displays.

  6. Click Ok to reset the values.
  7. Click Save.
The subscriber dynamic quota values are reset.