Viewing Subscriber Dynamic Quota Information

To view the dynamic quota information associated with a subscriber:
  1. From the SPR section of the navigation pane, select Profile Data.

    The Subscriber Profile Administration page opens.

  2. Search for the subscriber profile you want to view.

    The Subscriber Profile page opens. (See Finding a Subscriber Profile for information on finding a subscriber profile.)

  3. Select the Dynamic Quota tab.

    The Dynamic Quota Usage page opens. The page provides the following information:
    • Name

      Name of the dynamic quota.

    • Time Limit

      Time limit, in seconds, defined for the dynamic quota.

    • Total Volume Limit

      Volume limit, in bytes, defined for the dynamic quota.

    • Upstream Volume Limit

      Upstream volume limit, in bytes, defined for the dynamic quota.

    • Downstream Volume Limit

      Downstream volume limit, in bytes, defined for the dynamic quota.

    • Service Specific Event Limit

      Resource consumption limit defined for the dynamic quota.

    • Purchase Time

      The time the dynamic quota was purchased.

    • Active Time

      The time that the dynamic quota is in effect.

    • Expire Time

      The time that the dynamic quota expires.

    • Type

      Defines whether the dynamic quota is a pass or top-up.

    • PriorityDefines the order in which the dynamic quota is processed.
    • InstanceId

      A unique identifier for the dynamic quota.

  4. Click Back to Search Page.
You have viewed the subscriber dynamic quota information.