Viewing Subscriber Quota Information Associated with a Subscriber

To view the subscriber quotas information associated with a subscriber:
  1. From the SPR section of the navigation pane, select Profile Data.

    The Subscriber Profile Administration page opens.

  2. Search for the subscriber profile.

    The profile information is shown. (See Finding a Subscriber Profile for information on locating a subscriber profile.)

  3. Select the Quota tab.

    The Subscriber Profile Quota Usage page opens. The table provides the following information:
    • Name

      Quota name defined in the CMP system.

    • Time Usage

      Usage counter, in seconds, to track time-based resource consumption.

    • Time Limit

      Time limit, in seconds, defined in the named quota.

    • Total Volume Usage

      Usage counter, in bytes, to track volume-based resource consumption.

    • Total Volume Limit

      Volume limit, in bytes, defined in the named quota.

    • Upstream Volume Usage

      Usage counter, in bytes, to track upstream bandwidth volume-based resource consumption. Also known as Input Volume.

    • Upstream Volume Limit

      Upstream volume limit, in bytes, defined in the named quota.

    • Downstream Volume Usage

      Usage counter, in bytes, to track downstream bandwidth volume-based resource consumption. Also known as Output Volume.

    • Downstream Volume Limit

      Downstream volume limit, in bytes, defined in the named quota.

    • Service Specific Event

      Usage counter to track service-specific resource consumption.

    • Service Specific Event Limit

      Resource consumption limit defined in the named quota.

    • Next Reset Time

      The time after which the usage counters need to be reset.

    • CID

      A unique identifier, assigned by the CMP system. Top-ups and rollovers have the CID of their associated plan.

    • Type

      Defines whether the data is for a quota (plan), pass, rollover, top-up, or default rollover.

    • Quota State

      An internal identifier, which defines whether the option selected in the Type field is active or expired.

    • RefInstanceId

      The CID of the plan.

  4. Click Back to Search Page.
You have viewed the subscriber quota information.