Exporting the PDN APN Prefix Report

The PDN APN prefix report shows information on PDN connection counts per access point name (APN) prefix.

To export the PDN APN prefix report:.

  1. From the System Wide Reports section of the navigation pane, select Sessions.
  2. Select PDN APN Prefix Report
  3. Click Pause to hold the current values.

    The display is refreshed automatically every ten seconds. To resume, click Refresh.

  4. You can export the report as a CSv file or as a PDF file.
    • To export as a CSV file, Save as CSV. A file named report.csv is generated, and a standard File Download window opens, so you can save or open the file.
    • To export as a PDF file. Click Export PDF. A file named report.pdf is generated, and a standard File Download window opens, so you can save or open the file.
  5. Click Refresh to resume the reports updates every 10 seconds.