Adding an ISO File to a Server

Use this procedure to add an upgrade ISO file to a remote server for a software upgrade.

To add an ISO file to a server:

  1. From the Upgrade section of the navigation pane, select ISO Maintenance.

    The ISO Maintenance page opens.

  2. Select the clusters or servers to receive the ISO file.
  3. Click the Operations list and select Upload ISO.

    The Upload ISO window opens.

  4. Enter the following information for the ISO file (all fields are required):
    1. Mode — Mode used to transfer the ISO file to remote servers. Currently, SCP (Secure CoPy) is available.
    2. ISO Server Hostname / IP—Enter the name or address of the server receiving the ISO file.
    3. User—Enter the root account user name.
    4. Password—Enter the root account password.
    5. Source ISO file full path—Enter the location of the ISO file to be added to the remote server.
  5. Click Add.

    The Upload ISO window closes, and the transfer process begins to the selected servers. A download icon appears in the Name column for the servers receiving the ISO file during the file transfer process. A progress bar displays during the operation. When the process completes, the icon disappears.

The ISO file is added to the servers.