Configuring MPE and MRA Load Shedding Rules

Use the Load Shedding Configuration section of the Advanced Configuration page to edit, reorder, or add new rules at each level of busyness for a device based on the amount of backlog. To reach a configured level of busyness:
  • The backlog of outstanding messages in a node crosses a predefined threshold for the level.
  • The backlog has been above the busyness level threshold for a minimum amount of time.
At each level, the device can be configured to take one of the following actions (referred to as rules) until the busyness level clears:
  • Accept the message.
  • Drop the message.
  • Reject new messages with a specific result code (the default is DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY).

Refer to MPE Default Load Shedding Rules and MRA Default Load Shedding Rules for more information on default rules.

Note: Configuration keys must also be used in configuring load shedding options. Contact My Oracle Support for assistance.

Configure the load shedding rules as follows:

  1. View the device list.
    • For an MPE device, go to the Policy Server section of the navigation pane and select Configuration.
    • For an MRA device, go to the MRA section of the navigation pane and select Configuration.

    The content tree displays a list of policy server groups; the initial group is ALL.

  2. From the content tree, select the device.
    • For an MPE device, select the Policy Server tab.
    • For an MRA device, select the MRA tab.

    The configuration settings for the device display.

  3. Click Advanced.

    The advanced settings for the device display.

  4. Click Modify.

    The advanced configuration settings can be edited.

  5. In the Load Shedding Configuration section of the page, select the enabled state.
    • true (default)

      Enables load shedding.

    • false

      Disables load shedding.

    • undefined

      The value for this field is taken from the associated Configuration Template. If there is not a configuration template associated, then the default value is used.

  6. Set the Level Action for a busyness level.

    This step is optional. The default Level Action of Accept applies to all levels except MPE Level 4 and MRA Level 2, which has a default Level Action of Drop.

    1. Click (right arrow) next to the level to expand the level.
    2. Select one of the following default Level Actions:

      • Accept all messages.
      • Drop all messages.
      • Reject all messages and Answer with (select a code from the drop-down list).
      • Reject all messages and Answer With Code (enter a code) and Vendor ID (enter a vendor ID).

  7. Configure the rules for the busyness levels:
    1. Click (right arrow) next to the level to expand the level.
    2. Click Add and select the category.

      The Add Load Shedding Rule dialog appears.

    3. Enter the values for the load shedding rule:

      • Name

        Name of the rule. The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_). It cannot begin or end with a hyphen or period, and any labels must be separated by periods.

      • Application

        Select the application the rule applies to. You can select Drma, Gx, Gxx, S9, Rx, Sh, or Sy.

      • Message

        Type of message the rule applies to (which depends on the application chosen).

      • Request Types (available only when the CCR message type is selected)

        Select the Request-Type attribute-value pairs (AVPs) that the message must contain. You can select Initial, Update, and/or Terminate.

      • APNs

        Enter a CSV list of one or more access point names that the message must contain.

      • DRMP (availability dependent on selected application and message type)

        Enter a CSV list of one or more diameter routing message priority codes that the message must contain. The valid range of values is 0 to 15.

      • Both MPS ID and Reservation Priority Exist (available only when the AAR message type is selected)

        Determines whether or not to check for the existence of the MPS-Identifier and Reservation-Priority AVPs.

    4. Click OK.

      The rule is displayed in the table.

  8. After a rule is defined, you can clone, edit, or delete it by selecting the rule and clicking the appropriate button.
The settings are applied to the selected device.