Creating a Policy Server Profile

Note: You must establish the Policy Management network topology before you can create policy server profiles.
To create a policy server profile:
  1. From the Policy Server section of the navigation pane, select Configuration.

    The content tree displays a list of server groups; the initial group is ALL.

  2. From the content tree, select the ALL group.

    The Policy Server Administration page opens in the work area.

  3. Click Create Policy Server.

    The New Policy Server page opens.

  4. (Required) Select the Associated Cluster with which to associate this MPE device.

    See Configuring the Policy Management Topology for details on adding cluster's to the topology.

  5. (Required) Enter the Name for this device.

    The default is the associated cluster name. A name is subject to the following rules:
    • The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_).
    • The name is case insensitive (uppercase and lowercase are treated as the same).
    • The maximum length is 255 characters.

  6. (Optional) Enter the Description / Location.

    Information that defines the function or location of this MPE device.

  7. (Optional) Select to enable Secure Connection.

    This setting determines whether or not to use the HTTPS protocol for secure communication between Policy Management devices. If selected, devices communicate over port 8443. See the Platform Configuration User’s Guide for information on creating and exchanging security certificates within and between Policy Management clusters to support secure communication.

  8. Select the Type from the list.

    This setting defines the policy server type:
    • Oracle (default)

      The policy server is an MPE device and can be fully managed by the CMP system.

    • Unmanaged

      The policy server is not an MPE device and therefore cannot be actively managed by the CMP system. This selection is useful when an MPE device is routing traffic to a third-party policy server.

  9. (Optional) Select Associate Templates.

    See Managing Configuration and Virtual Templates for information about configuration and virtual templates.

  10. Click Save.
The server profile appears in the list of policy servers. You have defined the policy server profile.
Proceed with configuring the policy server. See Configuring a Policy Server Profile.