Creating a Subscriber Tier

Tiers are categories that you can define and then apply to groups of subscribers. For example, you can create a series of tiers with different bandwidth limits. After you define tiers, you can use them in policy rules.

To create a subscriber tier:

  1. From the Subscriber section of the navigation pane, select Tiers.

    The content tree displays the Tiers folder.

  2. Select the Tiers folder.

    The Tier Administration page opens.

  3. Click Create Tier.

    The New Tier page opens.

  4. Enter information as follows:
    1. Name (required) — Name of the tier.

      The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_).

    2. Description/Location — Free-form text.

      Enter up to 250 characters.

    3. Downstream bandwidth limit (bps) — The maximum amount of bandwidth capacity available in the downstream direction in bits per second.

      You can enter a value followed by M or G; for example, 4G for 4 gigabits per second.

    4. Upstream bandwidth limit (bps) — The maximum amount of bandwidth capacity available in the upstream direction in bits per second.

      You can enter a value followed by M or G; for example, 10M for 10 megabits per second.

  5. Click Save.
You can now use the tier in policy rules.