Creating an Entitlement

Entitlements are defined within a Subscriber Profile Repository. You can define entitlement names in the CMP database. After you define entitlements, you can use them in policy rules.

To create an entitlement:

  1. From the Subscriber section of the navigation pane, select Entitlements.

    The content tree displays the Entitlements folder.

  2. Select the Entitlements folder.

    The Entitlement Administration page opens.

  3. Click Create Entitlement.

    The New Entitlement page opens.

  4. Enter information as follows:
    1. Entitlement ID (required) — Name of the tier.

      The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_).

    2. Description/Location — Free-form text.

      Enter up to 250 characters.

  5. Click Save.
The entitlement is created in the CMP database, and you can now refer to it in a policy rule.