Viewing the MPE/MRA Replication Statistics Report

The MPE/MRABoD replication statistics report provides a view of database replication statistics, with one row for each replication path in an MPE or MRABoD cluster. The display is refreshed every ten seconds.

To view the replication statistics report:

  1. From the System Wide Reports section of the navigation pane, select Others.
  2. Select MPE/MRA Rep Stats.
From the report page you can do the following:
  • To sort the report on any column, click the column title.
  • To pause the display, click Pause. To resume the display, click Refresh.
  • To save the any formatting changes in the page, click Save Layout.
  • To display another page of the report, click the page number.
You can customize what information is displayed by controlling which table columns appear, using the Columns list. The following columns are available:
  • Cluster Name

    The name of the cluster and the blades participating in replication as well as their high availability (HA) states.

  • Server Type

    The type of cluster being utilized (MPE or MRABoD).

  • Blade State

    Displays the state of the blade replicating with the current active blade.

    Blade State Values in MPE/MRA Replication Stats Report
    Blade Ha State Value Displayed in the Report Icon Used in the User Interface
    Standby OK Green check mark
    Spare OK Green check mark
    Forcestandby Minor Warning Sign
    Out of Service Critical Red X
    Unknown Critical Red X
  • Sync State

    Displays the values reported from COMCOL.

    Sync State Values in MPE/MRAReplication Stats Report
    Sync Status Description Value Displayed on the CMP Icon Used in the User Interface
    Down The link is down and there is no current attempt to restore it. Critical Red X
    DownListening The incoming link is down awaiting the other side to initiate the connect attempt. Critical Red X
    Down​Connecting The link is down by this side is trying to connect. Critical Red X
    DownRejected The link is down because a connect attempt was rejected in the handshake phase. Critical Red X
    Down​Handshake The link is connected but not ready for application use (so it is down logically). The links is being validated in a handshake as legitimate. Critical Red X
    Connected Connected and ready for use. Critical Red X
    Connected​Reinit Connected and ready for use, but after an application error where the recovery is start over without either a link drop or a complete application restart. Critical Red X
    Connected​Incompat Connected but the schema are incompatible and replication cannot run until (1) the schema has the needed upgrade information or (2) problematic tables are excluded from replication. Critical Red X
    RegisterSent RegisterSent means the link is exchanging application level credentials and information (such as data dictionary information). In this state, registration has been sent from one side and it is being awaited from the other side. Critical Red X
    RegisterAcked In this state, registration has been sent acknowledged from the other side. In most configurations, it is a transitory state, but the end application can hold the link in this state before permitting an audit. Critical Red X
    Standby Standby means the high-availability state is standby, but the applications have exchanged registration messages. Critical Red X
    Inhibited Inhibited means the link administrative state is inhibited (or disabled), but the applications have exchanged registration messages. Major Red Exclamation Mark
    AuditWait The audit is awaiting a message that is is OK tor proceed from the remote side. Critical Red X
    AuditQueue The audit is queued because a limit on the number of simultaneous audits. Critical Red X
    Audit Audit means the application is bringing the databases into agreement. It does so by comparing each table one-by-one, and then applying database updates since the audit began. Major Red Exclamation Mark
    Active Active means the link is in the normal active steady-state conditions where updates are being transferred to the slave databases with a normal and acceptable delay. OK Green Check Mark
    ActiveBehind ActiveBehind is the same as Active but the slave database is unacceptably behind for whatever reasons. After an audit, it would be typical to be in the ActiveBehind state until any queued updates are applied to the slave database. Major Red Exclamation Mark
    ActiveSwitch A switchover is being attempted without an audit if the states of the databases allow it. Major Red Exclamation Mark
    ActivePost​Audit The database is coherent but has not caught back up to current after the preceding audit. Major Red Exclamation Mark
  • Cluster State

    Represents the overall state of the cluster. The Cluster State Column is an aggregation of the Blade State and Sync State columns. The value for the Cluster State is selected based on the maximum severity.

    Priority Table in MPE/MRA Replication Stats Report
    Priority Value Icon Used in the User Interface
    1 Critical Red X
    2 Major Red Exclamation Mark
    3 Minor Warning Sign
    4 OK Green Check Mark
You can filter results by controlling which table rows appear, using the Filters list. You can define filtering criteria using the following fields:
  • App Type

    Filter in all applications (default) or filter by MPE or MRA.

  • Server Name

    Filter in all servers (default) or one specific server.

  • Cluster Name

    Filter in all clusters (default) or one specific cluster.

You can display the report in a format suitable for printing. Click Printable Format. The MPE/MRA Rep Status Report window opens.

You can save the report in comma-separated value (CSV) format, suitable for importing into a spreadsheet application. Click Save as CSV. A file named report.csv is generated, and a standard File Download window opens, so you can save or open the file.

You can save the report as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file, suitable for storage or online display. Click Export PDF. A file named report.pdf is generated, and a standard File Download window opens, so you can save or open the file.