Viewing the Alarm History Report

The Alarm History Report displays historical alarm information.

To view the alarm history report:

  1. From the System Wide Reports section of the navigation pane, select Alarms.

    The Alarms section expands to show the available alarm reports.

  2. Select Alarm History Report.

    The Alarm History report opens.
    Note: If you are using Internet Explorer, the window appears behind the main window.

    The window displays up to 50,000 alarms, sorted by age.

    Note: If you wish to view the most recent alarms, and there are more than 50,000 alarms in the database, specify a start date/time that includes the present.

  3. To view older alarms, reduce the number of alarms displayed, or locate a specific alarm or group of alarms, you can define filtering criteria using the following fields:
    • Start Date

      Filter out alerts before a specific date/time. Click the calendar icon to specify a date/time.

    • End Date

      Filter out alerts after a specific date/time. Click the calendar icon to specify a date/time.

    • Severity

      Filter alerts by severity level. Select a level from the list. The default is All.

    • Cluster or Server

      Select the cluster or server within the cluster to view the alarms.

    • Active Alarms

      Select to view only active alarms; the default is to display both active and cleared alarms.

    • Aggregate

      Select to aggregate alarms that have the same IP address, alarm ID, and severity. (This function is limited to 50,000 alarms.)

  4. After entering filtering information, click Filter to refresh the display with the filtering applied.

    The alarm list is filtered.

  5. Click Close.
Alarms contain the following information:

To view alert details, click (binoculars icon), located to the right of the alert. A window displays additional information.

For example:
Alert Details