Viewing the Policy Statistics Report

The policy statistics report provides an aggregate view of policy statistics, with one row for each policy, letting you gauge the performance of individual policies. The display is refreshed every ten seconds.

To view the policy statistics report:

  1. From the System Wide Reports section of the navigation pane, select Others.

    The list of available reports displays in the navigation pane.

  2. Select Policy Statistics Report.

    The Policy Statistics report opens.

From the report page you can do the following:
  • To sort the report on any column, click the column title.
  • To pause the display, click Pause. To resume the display, click Refresh.
  • To display another page of the report, click the page number.
You can customize what information is displayed by controlling which table columns appear, using the Columns list. The following columns are available:
  • Server Name

    Name of the associated system

  • Server Type

    Either MPE or MRA

  • Policy Name

    The name of each policy defined and active on the displayed server

  • Evaluated

    The number of times the displayed policy was evaluated for the displayed server

  • Executed

    The number of times the displayed policy was executed for the displayed server

  • Ignored

    The number of times the displayed policy was ignored by the displayed server

  • Total Execution Time (ms)

    The total execution time for each policy, in milliseconds

  • Average Execution Time (ms)

    The average amount of time it takes a policy to execute, in milliseconds

  • Maximum Execution Time (ms)

    The maximum execution time for each policy, in milliseconds

You can filter results by controlling which table rows appear, using the Filters list. You can define filtering criteria using the following fields:
  • Server Name

    Filter in all servers (default) or one specific server.

  • Policy Name

    Filter in all policies (default) or one specific policy.

You can save formatting changes to the report page. Click Save Layout.

You can display the report in a format suitable for printing. Click Printable Format; a Policy Statistics Report window opens.

You can save the report in comma-separated value (CSV) format, suitable for importing into a spreadsheet application. Click Save as CSV. A file named report.csv is generated, and a standard File Download window opens, so you can save or open the file.

You can save the report as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file, suitable for storage or online display. Click Export PDF. A file named report.pdf is generated, and a standard File Download window opens, so you can save or open the file.