Viewing the SGW Failure Report

The SGW failure report provides a list of the last 10 AN-GWs that failed and the corresponding time stamps.

To view the failure report:

  1. From the System Wide Reports section of the navigation pane, select Others.
  2. Select SGW Failure Reports.

    The SGW Failure Reports page opens.

From the report page you can do the following:
  • To sort the report on any column, click the column title.
  • To pause the display, click Pause. To resume the display, click Refresh.
  • To save the any formatting changes in the page, click Save Layout.
  • To display another page of the report, click the page number.
You can customize the the table by controlling which columns appear, using the Columns list. The following columns are available:
  • SGW IP

    The IP address for the SGW.

  • Last Failure Time

    The UTC date and time the specified SGW failed.

  • Status

    The current status for the specified SGW (that is, up or down).

You can customize the information displayed by using the Filter list to display information by SGW IP address and by Status.

You can display the report in a format suitable for printing. Click Printable Format; an SGW Failure Reports window opens.

You can save the report in comma-separated value (CSV) format, suitable for importing into a spreadsheet application. Click Save as CSV. A file named report.csv is generated, and a standard File Download window opens, so you can save or open the file.

You can save the report as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file, suitable for storage or online display. Click Export PDF. A file named report.pdf is generated, and a standard File Download window opens, so you can save or open the file.