Copying and Pasting HsGetValue Functions

You may copy cells and ranges of cells containing the HsGetValue function from one Office application and paste them into Excel, Word or PowerPoint.

Note these guidelines when copying and pasting functions:

  • Only cells containing the HsGetValue function may be copied and pasted. You may not copy and paste cells containing other functions.

  • The data point generated will use the connection-level alias.

  • Any cell references in the function will be replaced with its evaluated values. For example, if a function contains "Year#""&A2&"" for the dim#member combination, and cell A2 contains "Qtr2", then the function generated will have "Year#Qtr2" as the extracted value.

  • Any POV changes applied on the data point query from the POV Manager will be applied only to the dimensions not present in the data point.

  • Function XML may be exported from legacy applications.

  • The following copy/paste scenarios are supported:

    • Functions from a single connection with no cell references.

    • Functions from a single connection with cell references.

    • Functions from multiple connections

    • Visualize in Excel—a grid with single intersection will be generated using the function POV.

    • Functions with case insensitive connection names.

  • The following copy/paste scenarios are not supported:

    • Functions from an ad hoc grid (these will be pasted as static values).

    • Nested formulas.

    • Formulas with arithmetic operations; for example, divide or multiply.

    • Other Excel functions; for example, IF or SUM.

To copy and paste functions:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells to copy and perform an action:
    • In Excel, click The Copy button in Excel.

    • In Word and PowerPoint, click The Copy icon in Word and PowerPoint.

  2. If not already open, launch the Office application to which you want to paste the copied function cells.
  3. Perform an action:
    • In Excel, select the cell where the copied functions will be pasted and, in the Smart View ribbon, click The Paste button in Excel.

    • In Word or PowerPoint, place the cursor at the point in the page or slide where the copied function will pasted and, in the Smart View ribbon, click The Paste button in Word and PowerPoint.

  4. Refresh the sheet, page, or slide.