Workstation Alerts for Unsuccessful Sending to Order Devices

You can enable alerts to notify workstation operators when menu items fail to send to an order device/KDS or kitchen printer. The unsuccessful sending of items can occur:
  • When POS client tablet devices lose wireless network connection. The workstation operator can return to the range of Wi-Fi coverage to ensure that items are sent to the order device/KDS.

  • When the kitchen printer runs out of paper. The workstation operator can add a paper roll to the printer.

  • When the KDS Controller or Print Controller is powered off. The workstation operator can start the KDS/Print Controller.

A flashing Alerts button appears on the POS client device only when the system does not receive confirmation that an order was successfully sent to an order device/KDS. The workstation operator must then confirm that the items did not reach the kitchen, and notify the kitchen of the items that were not successfully sent.

The alert notification ensures that orders do not get lost or duplicated, the server can continue to take orders, and the order is sent or printed as soon as possible.

Workstation alerts do not appear on the POS client:
  • When redirects or backups are configured for the KDS Controller or Print Controller. Alerts will appear if the backup or redirect order devices are down.

  • When the Restaurant Display Controller (RDC) of the KDS is offline or powered off.

  • When Dynamic Order Mode (DOM) is enabled and the DOM Type is set to Fire On Fly or Fire On Next. When DOM is enabled and the DOM Type is set to Fire On Tender, alerts will appear when tendered. Creating a KDS Order Device contains more information on the DOM Type configuration.

  • For Timed Fire and AutoFire items. Alerts appear for these two types when the order is fired.