Fingerprint Scanning

This section describes fingerprint scanning. Fingerprint scanning provides greater security by verifying an employee’s identify. You can use an external USB fingerprint reader with the following devices to scan fingerprints:
  • Oracle MICROS Tablet E-Series

  • Oracle MICROS Workstation 6 Series

  • Oracle MICROS Workstation 5a

  • Oracle MICROS PC Workstation 2015

  • A PC running a Simphony version 2.x client that is attached to the PC with a USB connection

You can require employees to scan fingerprints when performing the following operations:
  • Signing in to a workstation

  • Clocking in and out

  • Authorizing privileged operations

Privileged employees can perform the following actions:
  • Enroll themselves and other employees’ fingerprints in Simphony

  • Register up to ten different fingers (in the event that employee digits become incapacitated (cut, removed, or bandaged))

At registration, the employee places a finger on the fingerprint reader. The reader scans the fingerprint and captures its characteristics (an array of pixels) as Fingerprint Image Data (FID). The reader then extracts fingerprint features as Fingerprint Minutiae Data (FMD) and creates a data record that is stored in database tables in the cloud and in the POS clients where the employee signs in. At sign-in, the reader captures fingerprint data and then uses FMD records to search the local database for a match. If a match is found, the action is performed (such as sign-in). The system does not store pictures, photographs, or images of the fingerprint. There is no way to reconstruct the fingerprint using the stored data.

Auditors can determine whether an employee performed an authorization using a fingerprint reader, manual entry, or magnetic card swipe.