Import/Export Service Components

The Simphony Import/Export Service is comprised of four components, plus a Microsoft Windows service. The following table lists the components and their capabilities.

Table 43-2 Simphony Data Import/Export Components

Component Functionality

EGateway URL

Provides access to the Simphony configuration for self-hosted and Enterprise hosting center environments.

Web Service (REST API)

Assists developers with programmatic integration and the development of third-party application programming interfaces (API).

Web Service (SOAP API)

The SOAP API has the same functionality as the REST API, except this web service is constructed using the SOAP format rather than the REST format.

Web Application

This user interface (UI) allows you to:
  • Import and export data manually

  • Export data automatically using the scheduler

  • Review the status of completed import and export jobs

The Web Application is available for all users with Simphony EMC logon credentials.

MICROS Data Request Processing Service (Microsoft Windows Service)

This Microsoft Windows service runs as part of throttling and scheduling processes (rather than on demand servicing requests).