Deploying Standard Translations to Workstations

The language translation CAL package contains the following translation files for all 19 standard languages supported by Simphony:
  • OpsText_XX.xml

  • PosCoreText_XX.xml

  • LoyaltyCommandModule.dll_xx.xml

  • Micros.Payment.Cash_XX.xml

  • Micros.Payment.CreditDebit_XX.xml

  • Micros.Payment.LoadableCreditCardModule_XX.xml

  • Micros.Payment.LoadablePmsModule_XX.xml

  • Micros.Payment.MCreditDebit_XX.xml

  1. To deploy the standard translations to the workstations for a new installation:
    1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
    2. Highlight the Language Translation CAL package, and then click the Deployment Schedules tab.
    3. Click Add Deployment, and then select the version that corresponds to the Service Host version you have installed on the workstations.
    4. Select the Deployment Type, click the ellipsis button to complete your selection, and then click OK.

      You can optionally select effective dates if you do not want to deploy the standard translations immediately.

    5. Click Save.
  2. To deploy the standard translations to the workstations after upgrading the Enterprise:
    1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
    2. Highlight the Language Translation CAL package, and then click the Deployment Schedules tab.
    3. Click the schedule from the list, click Change Package version, and then select the version that corresponds to the Service Host version you have or to which you upgraded.
    4. Click Save.
  3. The workstation restarts after successful deployment.