Configuring Menu Item Prices

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Maintenance.
  2. Click Search to show all menu items, and then double-click a menu item master record.
  3. Click Prices, and then click the Insert button on the toolbar.
  4. Select Price Sequence #1, enter the Default Price for the menu item, and then click OK.
  5. Configure the price record. The following table describes the price record fields:

    Table 21-3 Price Record Configuration Fields

    Field Description

    (Optional) Prep Cost

    Enter the menu item prep cost.

    Tax Class Override

    To allow the menu item price to use a different tax class than the tax class configured for the menu item definition, select a new tax class from the list.

    If you select 0 - None, the price uses the tax class configured for the menu item class associated with the menu item definition.

    Service Charge Group

    If the price includes a service charge, select a service charge group from the list.

    Active on Level

    Select the main or sub menu level in which this price becomes active.

    Select 0 - All Levels to make the price active for all menu levels.


    If the price applies for the item when ordered as a course for a fixed price meal, select 1 - Price for Fixed Price Meal Course.

    If the price applies when the item is ordered as a course for a fixed price meal as well as when ordered as a normal menu item entry, select 2 - Price for Fixed Price Meal Course and Regular Menu Item.

    Effectivity Group

    To make the price active at a specific date and time, select the corresponding effectivity group from the list.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 to add price definitions for the menu item.

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