Configuring the Cash Tender

You must configure a cash tender to allow guests to pay the check with cash.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, or revenue center, click Setup, and then click Payments.
  2. Insert a record, enter Cash as the name, and then click OK.
  3. Double-click the record to open it.
  4. On the General tab, click the Import from a file link.
  5. Browse to [Drive Letter]:\MICROS\Simphony2\EgatewayService\handlers, select Micros.Payment.Cash.dll, and then click Open.
  6. Click the Configuration tab, and then click the Module Configuration subtab.
  7. Enter information in the following fields:

    Table 12-2 Module Configuration Fields

    Field Description

    Module ID

    Enter MicrosCashPaymentModule.


    Enter a description for the payment driver (for example, MICROS Cash Payment Module).

    Do Not Batch

    Select False.

    Run As Service

    Select either True or False to indicate whether to run the MICROS Cash Payment Module as a Service Host service. Select False to run the cash module directly on the POS client.

    Show Change Due Dialog

    Select True to show the Change Due dialog on the POS client.

  8. Click Save.
  9. Select the Enterprise or property, click Configuration, and then click Tender/Media.
  10. Insert a record, name it Cash, and then click OK.
  11. Double-click the Cash record to open it.
  12. On the General tab, select 1 - Payment from the Key Type drop-down list.
  13. Click the Options tab, and then click the Printing Options subtab.
  14. Select 8 - Print Customer Receipt and 21 - Print Summary Totals.
  15. Select the Ops Behavior subtab, and then select the appropriate options as described in the following table:

    Table 12-3 Amount Options

    Option Description

    2 - Amount Required

    Select this option to require an amount when using the cash tender. If the workstation operator presses the cash tender button at the POS client without entering an amount, the POS client prompts to enter the tender amount.

    If you deselect option 2 and select option 3, the tender is used for 0.00, unless the workstation operator enters an amount before pressing the tender key.

    3 - Assume Paid in Full

    Select this option to record the exact amount due as the entry. You must also deselect option 2. If you deselect both options 2 and 3, the system records 0.00 as the entry.

    4 - Use with Currency Conversion

    Select this option to post payment amounts entered through a currency key to the cash payment key.

    37 - Partial Tender Not Allowed

    Select this option to prevent the cash tender from being used to partially tender a transaction.

    53 - Round Tender to Next Highest Dollar

    Select this option to round the cash tender up to the next highest whole number dollar amount.

    Options 3 and 53 work together; to enable option 53, you must also select option 3. In addition, option 2 must be deselected. In this scenario, the system calculates change due as the tender is the next highest dollar.

    In Page Design, you must configure the Payment Type as Cash:Cash and the Function as Default in the Payment Configuration dialog when configuring the Cash payment tender button.

    Partial tenders are ignored when Amount Options 3 and 53 are enabled, the Payment Type is Cash:Cash and the Function is # (DollarUp) in the Payment Configuration dialog when configuring the payment tender button in Page Design.

    Adding Payment Keys to the Transaction Page contains more information.

    56 - Round Change Due

    Select this option to accept payments for the exact amount and to round change due.

    Selecting option 56 overrides option 87.

    87 - Rounded Payments and Change

    Select this option to round change due resulting from an overtender.

    88 - Round Payments and Change To the Nearest 0

    Select this option to round the payment total or change due to the nearest 0 or 10. You must also select one of the following options:
    • 56

    • 87

    If you select option 88, the least significant decimal digit is rounded to 0 or 10. Deselect option 88 to round the least significant decimal digit to 0 or 5.

    Tender/Media Amount Options 53 and 88 are mutually exclusive; you cannot select both.

  16. Click Save.