Adding a Workstation

  1. Select the property, click Setup, and then click Workstations.
  2. Insert a record for the workstation, enter the name, and then click OK.
  3. Double-click the new workstation record.
  4. On the General tab, enter information in the following fields:

    Table 9-1 General Workstation Settings

    Field Description


    Select the type of workstation from the drop-down list:
    • 1 - Mobile MICROS: Mobile devices

    • 2 - Workstation Client: Workstations, virtual machines, and Android tablets

      Select this option for the Oracle MICROS Workstation 6 Series, Oracle MICROS Tablet 700 Series, and the Oracle MICROS Compact Workstation 310.

    • 3 - POSAPI Client: Simphony Transaction Services

    • 6 - MICROS Tablet Client: Oracle MICROS Tablet E-Series

      Select this option for the Oracle MICROS Tablet E-Series 11-inch.


    Select the default language of the workstation. This is the language that appears on the workstation’s Sign On screen. If an employee has a different language set, the employee sees another language after signing in to the workstation.

    Resolution Cols

    Enter the number of Resolution Columns for the workstation’s display. This number should correspond to one of the resolutions set in the workstation’s .ini file, or leave it set at 0 (zero) as a default.

    Resolution Rows

    Enter the number of Resolution Rows for the workstation’s display. This number should correspond to one of the resolutions set in the workstation’s .ini file, or leave it set at 0 (zero) as a default.

    Log Verbosity

    Select the logging verbosity for the workstation. For example, select 0 (zero) for minimal logging. Higher numbers cause the workstation’s disk or flash drive to fill more quickly.

    (Optional) Workstation Class

    Select a Workstation Class to allow similar workstations to be grouped together and share certain page configuration settings.

    Database Update Frequency

    Enter the number of seconds the workstation waits to retrieve the latest updates from the database. The default value is 60 seconds.

    The value in this field overrides the Property Parameter’s Database Update Frequency setting.

    Check Inactivity Timeout

    Enter the number of seconds that the workstation waits before showing a message (Do you need more time?), prompting the workstation operator to cancel the transaction. When you enter 0 (zero), the message does not appear.

    When you select Enable Follow Me from the RVC Parameters module, the check is automatically suspended rather than cancelled.

    Check Inactivity Dialog Timeout

    Enter the number of seconds that the workstation shows the Inactivity dialog before automatically cancelling the transaction. This field is dimmed when you set the Check Inactivity Timeout value to 0 (zero).

    Report Timeout

    Enter the number of seconds the workstation waits to retrieve reporting information before failing.

    Address / Host Name

    Enter the IP address or host name of the Service Host where the workstation application runs.

    Subnet Mask

    Enter the subnet mask of the Service Host where the workstation application runs.

    Default Gateway

    Enter the default gateway of the Service Host where the workstation application runs.

    Is Connectionless

    Select this option to have the Service Host open and close a new connection for each web service call. Setting this option prevents the workstation from reaching the maximum number of web connections allowed, although the connection is slightly slower.

    Is Windows Service

    Select this option to allow the Service Host to start as a Windows service. The MICROS Service Host service starts on Microsoft Windows startup with other Microsoft Windows services. The POS client starts only when the workstation operator signs on to the operating system.

    If you select this option, you need to change the ports of the services being run (for example, Check and Posting Service (CAPS), KDS Controller, and Interface) in addition to the POS client. Use the EMC modules to change the ports.

    If a non-POS client is required to run on the Service Host, it must run on a different port than the workstation port.

    You can also set the Service Host to run as a Microsoft Windows service from the Service Host module (rather than from the Workstations module). If you set this option in the Service Host module, you do not need to change the ports of the services being run as the device is not intended to run the POS client.

  5. Click the Revenue Centers tab.
  6. Select the revenue centers for the workstation. You must select at least one revenue center.
  7. Click Save.