Wait List

Often a guest arrives and asks for a table. When tables are not immediately available for seating, the guest may request a wait time and add their name to a Wait List. The Wait List contains all wait requests for the revenue center. The Wait List also shows reservations prior to the scheduled arrival. Reservations appear on the Wait List a configured number of minutes prior to the schedule seating time. Hosting staff with access to the Wait List can add, change, and abandon wait requests from this list. Hosting staff can manage the Wait List on its own page or as a popup in the host view.

The Wait List shows the following information in columns.

Table 11-11 Wait List Information

Column Name Description

Abandoned Time

This columns shows the date and time the guest abandoned the request from the Wait List.

Alert Icons

The icons indicate status or special considerations about the wait request or reservation.

Confirmation Number

This column shows the confirmation number issued to the reservation request


This column shows the number of people to be seated for the request.

Creation Date

This column shows the date and time that the request was created.

Greeted Date

This column shows the time when the host staff greeted the guest.

Guest Name

This column shows the name of the guest.

Pager Number

This column shows the pager number assigned to the guest when hosting staff greeted them.

Phone Number

This column shows the guest’s phone number.

Request Method

This column shows the source of the reservation request (for example, phone ahead or Internet).


The time is always enabled and shows the time that the guest is scheduled to be seated.

Wait Quote

This column shows the amount of time the hosting staff quoted to the guest upon arrival, or the amount of time a reservation had from the time that hosting staff greeted them to the time they are scheduled to be seated.