Understanding Online and Offline Communication Modes

A workstation that can communicate with the database to post transactions is online. Conversely, a workstation that cannot communicate with the database is offline. While online, workstations contact the database for a variety of activities, including:
  • Beginning a check

  • Ending the current service round of a check

  • Paying a check

  • Running a report

  • Performing a function on the Property Management Console (PMC)

When a workstation attempts to perform one of these actions but cannot contact the application server, the workstation enters offline mode. The POS client can only distinguish between online and offline modes, but a workstation that is offline can still communicate with other workstations or services. Therefore, Simphony further categorizes offline mode as yellow mode and red mode. The following table explains the offline modes and describes how workstations handle transaction and timekeeping information when offline.

Table 9-1 Workstation Offline Modes and Transaction Handling

Offline Mode Description Transaction and Timekeeping Handling Reporting Limitations

Yellow Mode

The workstation can communicate with other workstations and services. In this environment, the local Transaction Cache is able to provide reporting and labor information. In the simplest situation, yellow mode refers to a property that has lost contact with the central database or application servers, usually because the wide area network (WAN) is no longer available.

In this environment, the workstations and other services within the property can communicate, but no direct communications to the database are available.

The workstation directs transaction information and timekeeping information to the Offline Cache.

When a workstation is offline (yellow mode or red mode) you can only generate offline reports from the workstation.

While in offline mode, the offline financial reports do not show data for the following:
  • Returns

  • Void Total

  • Training Total

  • Checks Carried Over

  • Checks Begun

  • Checks Paid

  • Checks Outstanding

  • Check Error Corrections

  • #TBLS $AV

  • #TRNS $AV

  • Total Net Sales

Red Mode

The workstation cannot communicate with other workstations or services. In general, a red mode workstation is a workstation without network communication. A workstation can enter red mode intentionally (remote concession stand) or unintentionally (bad network port on a router or hub).

The workstation stores all transaction and timekeeping information in its local DataStore.

When an offline workstation detects a connection to the database, it attempts to replay transactions to the central database automatically. While replaying transactions, the workstation is still considered offline. A workstation only attempts to return to online mode when the replay queue has no transactions remaining. Depending on the configuration of the workstation, the workstation returns online automatically or prompts you for confirmation to return online.