Generating a File to Export

  1. Click Import/Export.
  2. Select the Export option.
  3. Enter the Unit Name. This is the hierarchy level (for example, Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone).
  4. Select the Language.
  5. In the Date Since field, select the date from which you want to export. For the most recent export, select the current date.
  6. Select the Format for the export file:
    • Excel Compatible CSC (ANSI): Select this option to edit the file using Excel, Notepad or Notepad++. This option is only available for the English language.

    • International CSV (UNICODE): Select this option to edit the file using Notepad or Notepad++. This option is available for all character sets and languages.

    • Pipe Delimited (UNICODE): Select this option to edit the file using Unicode. This option is available for all character sets and languages.

  7. To export the file immediately, ensure that the Schedule field shows Process Immediately. This is a one-time export request.
  8. To schedule the export, select the recurrence and time schedule from the Schedule drop-down list.

    If no schedules exist, nothing appears in the Schedule drop-down list. See Creating an Export Schedule for more information about schedules.

  9. (Optional) Enter the Request Name.

    This is a description of the activity (for example, Exporting Menu Items for Property A).

  10. Select the type of information to export from the Object Type drop-down list.
  11. Select the Data Level:
    • Selected Hierarchy: Select this option to export only the current level of hierarchy. For example, if you created menu items at the property level, selecting this option exports only the menu items created for that property (the export does not include menu items created at the Enterprise level or revenue center).

    • Selected Hierarchy With Ancestors: Select this option to export the current level of hierarchy and the higher levels (parent level). For example, if you created menu items at the property level, selecting this option exports menu items created for the property and the Enterprise levels.

    • Selected Hierarchy With Inherited: Select this option to export the current level of hierarchy and the lower levels (child levels). For example, if you created menu items at the property level, selecting this option exports menu items created for the property and the revenue center levels.

    • Selected Hierarchy With Ancestors And Inherited: Select this option to export all levels of hierarchy (for example, Enterprise, property, and revenue center levels).

    The information in the Mandatory Columns field automatically appears based on the Data Level you selected. The column names appear in the exported file and show the type of data to be exported. You cannot change the values in this field.

  12. (Optional) In the Sort By field, add a sort option.
  13. Click Submit Request.
  14. Go to the Status page, and then click the appropriate link in the Download Link column.
  15. (Optional) Change the file as necessary (insert, update, or delete).
  16. After the export process completes, save the exported files using a text editor, such as Notepad.
  17. When you export a file, the application assigns SimphonyExport.csv as the file name. Rename each exported file to keep them organized before importing the files.

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