Importing Event Files

The default maximum size of an imported file is 2 MB.

  1. Click Import/Export.
  2. Select the Import option.
  3. Click Browse, and then select the import data file. When you import the export data files, do so in the following order:
    1. Event Type (Select this file first and then continue with Step 4.)
    2. Event Sub Type
    3. Event Area
    4. Event Definition
    5. Event Definition Detail
  4. Enter the Unit Name.

    This is the hierarchy level (for example, Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone).

  5. Select the Language.
  6. Select the importable format from the Format drop-down list.

    You can select either comma-separated values (CSV) or a Pipe delimited text file.

  7. (Optional) Enter the Request Name.

    This is a description of the activity (for example, Importing Events for Property A).

  8. Select the type of information to import from the Object Type drop-down list.
  9. The information in the Mandatory Columns and the Columns field automatically appears based on the Data Level selected with the export job. The column names appear in the imported file and show the type of data to be imported. You cannot change the values in this field.
  10. Click Submit Request.
  11. After the import process completes, save the imported files using a text editor, such as Notepad.
  12. Repeat Steps 1 through 11 to import each event data file (Event Type, Event Sub Type, Event Area, Event Definition, Event Definition Detail).