Using the Simphony Data Import/Export Web Application

You need Simphony EMC logon credentials to access the web application.

  1. Open a web browser and enter the following address: https://[ServerName]/ImportExportApp.
  2. Enter the Username and Password, and then click Login.
  3. Select a page. The following table describes the web pages and the actions you can perform on each page.

    Table 13-1 Simphony Data Import/Export Web Application Pages

    Page Description


    Import or Export data in comma-separated values (CSV) or pipe delimited format.


    View a list of import and export jobs that were requested in the past 30 days, along with their status, the requested user, format, object type, and a link to download the data.


    View a list of import and export jobs that are scheduled to run, including the start date and time, the scheduled days of the month and week.


    View additional object details.

    Application programming interface (API) documentation is located within the web service:
    • https://[servername][:Port Number]/ImportExportApi/DataService.svc/web/Help

    • https://[servername][:Port Number]/ImportExportApi/SecurityService.svc/web/Help

    The port number is only necessary if the default https port (443) is not used.