========================================================================================= Oracle Big Data Discovery GENERAL (1.5.0) - Software Release Date: October 2017 - The release notes and related product documentation may have been updated since the release date. The latest release notes and documentation are available through the Oracle Big Data Discovery documentation page on the Oracle Help Center at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E78171_01/index.htm or by contacting Oracle Technical Support for Big Data Discovery. INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE (1.5.0) - Refer to the "Oracle Big Data Discovery Installation Guide" for installation information. - See the "Oracle Big Data Discovery Upgrade Guide" for information on upgrading to this release. BUG FIXES (1.5.0) Upgrade: - BDDSPT-339: Fixed an issue that caused the upgrade script to fail when cleaning up the ZooKeeper data. Data Processing: - EDPROC-5742: Fixed an issue that the preview function of transform service doesn't work on HDP 2.6 - EDPROC-5735: Fixed an issue that a string with leading zeros, such as zip code, is incorrectly detected as number. - EDPROC-5039: Fixed an issue that some Datetime fields can't be detected as Datetime type. - EDPROC-5738: Fixed an issue that it fails to submit transformation jobs concurrently with multiple users. Dgraph: Studio: - ESTUDIO-13812: Fixed an issue where creating a New Data Set (Fork) failed with targetHiveTableName longer than 128 characters. - ESTUDIO-13843 Fixed an issue when user sort attributes by Information potential in Explore, the order of attributes with the same weight may be random. - ESTUDIO-13971: Fixed an issue when user uploads a file with reserved key words as column name, creating a data set will fail. - ESTUDIO-14070: Fixed an issue when expanding available refinement component, lengend of chart may display over recommended chart type icons. - ESTUDIO-14341: Fixed an issue that the Notifications panel does not correctly indicate the status of transformations that have been stopped using the Yarn ResourceManager. In this case, the status information remains stuck at the last percentage complete. - ESTUDIO-14538: Fixed an issue when there are negative values exist Bar-Line chart is not displayed properly. - ESTUDIO-14801: Fixed an issue where My Account menu does not work in Project Settings page. - ESTUDIO-14893: Fixed an issue sometimes "Other" group is not shown on the bottom of tiles chart on Explore page. - ESTUDIO-15478: Fixed an issue when changing the quick sort in chart, the chart may fail to render. - ESTUDIO-15460: Fixed an issue when renaming attribute display name in Data Views under non-US locale, the display name of other attributes were affected. - BUG 25561213: Fixed an issue when using batch import of LDAP users, the "import interval" param does not work. - BUG 25269435: Fixed an issue where unable to create a Bookmark on BDD project. Documentation: - EDOC-2477: Fixed an issue in the Administrator's Guide where the full path to bdd.conf was not clear. This created some confusion between the post-install location and the installation source location of the file: in some cases, it wasn't clear which version of the file to modify. KNOWN ISSUES (1.5.0) Data Processing: - EDPROC-4625: The $BDD_HOME/dataprocessing/edp_cli/config directory contains these unused configuration files: cluster_jars.txt, dateFormats.txt, and sparkContext.properties. The versions of these files that are used by the Data Processing component are in the $BDD_HOME/workflowmanager/dp/config directory. - EDPROC-4885: DP CLI Refresh updates (using the --refreshData flag) do not ignore the maxRecordsForNewDataSet property in the edp-cli.properties configuration file. As a result, sampled data sets are produced, instead of full data sets. Two workarounds are to adjust the maxRecordsForNewDataSet property to be higher than the number of records in your Hive table or to use the "Load Full Data Set" option in Studio. Dgraph: Studio: - ESTUDIO-16447: In Transform page, Aggregation panel will appear empty if user selects Shaping > Aggregate from the ribbon when any attribute has been selected in the grid. To work around this issue, user could select Shaping > Aggregate first, then selects attribute in the grid. =========================================================================================