2. Instruments

For customers requesting for issue of Demand Draft/ Manager’s Cheque, Oracle Banking Payments has a provision to capture the details of the instrument to be issued and allocate a unique instrument number for the same.

When the instrument is presented for payment, the receiving bank presents the same in local clearing to the bank which issued the instrument. The payment of the instrument can also be effected by internal transfer the proceeds to Beneficiary’s account held with the issuing bank itself.

2.1 Instrument Code Maintenance

A new maintenance screen is provided for Instrument code maintenance.

2.1.1 Invoking Instrument Code Maintenance Screen

You can invoke ‘Instrument Code Maintenance’ screen by typing PGDINSCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Host Code

The system indicates the host code that is linked to the transaction branch of the customer

Instrument Code

Specify the Instrument Code

Code Description

Specify the description of the Instrument Code.

Instrument Type

Select the type of Instrument. Choose between Cheque, Demand Draft and Manager’s Cheque.

Instrument Currency

All valid currencies are listed. Choose the relevant instrument currency for the code maintained.

Stale Period



Specify the period in number of months.


Specify the period in number of days.


You are allowed to maintain the stale period either in months or in days not as a combi­nation of months and days.

2.1.2 Viewing Instrument Code Maintenance Summary Screen

You can search for records in the Instrument Code Maintenance Summary Screen. You can invoke ‘Instrument Code Maintenance Summary’ screen by typing PGSINSCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

2.2 Instrument Preferences

New maintenance is provided for maintaining preferences for an instrument code. This maintenance is applicable to Instruments of type Demand Draft and Manager’s cheque only.

2.2.1 Invoking Instrument Preferences Screen

You can invoke ‘Instrument Preferences’ screen by typing PIDINPRF’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Host Code

The system indicates the host code that is linked to the logged in branch of the customer.

Instrument Code

All valid Instrument codes of instrument type ‘Demand Draft’ and ‘Manager’s Cheque’ are listed. Choose the appropriate code from the LOV.

Code Description

The system indicates the description of the code based on the Instrument Code selected.

Instrument type

The system indicates the type of the instrument based on the Instrument Code selected.

Instrument Preferences

Instrument Payable GL

Payable GL is fetched as credit account during Instrument issue and Debit account during Instrument liquidation through any payment mode clearing, transfer or cancellation. All valid liability type GLs are listed for this field.

Price Code

Instrument Issue

Specify the price code for Instrument Issue.

Instrument Stop Pay

Specify the price code for Instrument Stop Pay.

Instrument Cancel

Specify the price code for Instrument Cancel

Sanction Check Required

Check this box to indicate that Sanction Check is required for the instrument issue/payment.

Accounting Codes for Instrument Issues

Debit Liquidation

Accounting template codes are maintained for instrument issue. Specify the accounting code for DRLQ event.

Credit Liquidation

Specify the accounting code for CRLQ event.

Accounting Codes for Instrument Payment

Debit Liquidation

Accounting template codes are maintained for instrument payment. Specify the accounting code for DRLQ event.

Credit Liquidation

Specify the accounting code for CRLQ event.

Accounting codes maintained in this careen are applicable to payments initiated from Instrument Issue / payment screens. For instruments received for payment in clearing accounting code applicable for clearing is used.

2.2.2 Viewing Instrument Preference Summary Screen

You can search for records in the Instrument Preference Summary Screen. You can invoke ‘Instrument Preference Summary’ screen by typing PISINPRF’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

2.3 Instrument Numbers

It is possible to maintain valid range of numbers per Instrument code. This maintenance is branch-wise.

2.3.1 Invoking Instrument Inventory Maintenance Screen

You can invoke ‘Instrument Inventory Maintenance’ screen by typing PIDINSNO’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Host Code

The system indicates the host code that is linked to the logged in branch of the user.

Instrument Code

All valid Instrument codes of instrument type ‘Demand Draft’ and ‘Manager’s Cheque’ are listed. Select the appropriate code.

Code Description

Based on the Instrument Code selected, this field is auto-populated.

Instrument type

Based on the Instrument Code selected, this field is auto-populated.

Instrument Branch

User’s logged in branch is displayed in this field.

Received Date

The system defaults the current date.

Start Number

Specify the starting number of the range of inventory numbers to be maintained.

Current Number

Specify the current inventory number.

End Number

Specify the end number of the range.


While allocating inventory number for a processing completed inventory issue transaction, FIFO rule will be followed.

2.3.2 Viewing Instrument Inventory Maintenance Summary Screen

You can search for records in the Instrument Inventory Maintenance Summary Screen. You can invoke ‘Instrument Inventory Maintenance Summary’ screen by typing PISINSNO’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

2.4 Instrument Issue Request

There is a new user interface for entering details of issue of instruments. It is possible to send the instrument issue request through channels. Instrument issue request can be part of Corporate (C2B) bulk files.

2.4.1 Invoking Instrument Issue Screen

You can invoke ‘Instrument Issue’ screen by typing ‘PIDINSIS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Transaction Branch Code

The system indicates the logged in branch of the user.

Transaction reference no

The system populates the transaction reference number.

Host Code

This field is defaulted as user’s logged in Host.

Instrument Number

This field is populated by system upon successfully completing the instrument issue processing. The new instrument number is allocated based on the branch and instrument code and available inventory in FIFO order.

Source Code

This field is defaulted as ‘MANL’.

Instrument type

Based on the instrument code selected, Instrument Type gets auto-populated.

Instrument Code

All valid Instrument codes of instrument type ‘Demand Draft’ and ‘Manager’s Cheque’ are listed. Choose the appropriate code.

Code Description

Based on the instrument code selected, Code Description gets auto-populated. Main Tab

Click Main tab from the Instrument Issue screen.:

You can specify the following fields:

Debit Details


Debit Account

You will be able to select the purchaser details. You can select a valid customer account.

Account Currency

The system indicates the account currency.

Account Branch

The system indicates the branch of account.

Account/GL Name

The system indicates the name of the Account or the GL name depending on your selection.

Customer Number

The system indicates the unique customer number that is tagged to the account.

Customer Service Model

The system indicates the Customer Service Model for the account. For example, GOLD and PLATINUM.


Beneficiary Details


Beneficiary Name

Specify the account name of the beneficiary. This is a mandatory field.

Beneficiary Address

Specify the additional details of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Identifier

Specify the beneficiary identifier details. This is an optional information.

Instrument Details


Booking Date

The system specifies the current date.

Instruction Date

Specify the request date obtained from the customer. This is defaulted as current date. You can change this to a back date or forward date.

Issue Date

The system specifies the Issue Date.If request date is a back dated, issue date will be set as the current date.


If request date is a future date, system processes a holiday check that is maintained for the branch.If customer preference is available for Instruction date movement, the issue date will be moved forward or backward to a business day. If no customer preference is available, it will be always moved forward to next business day. Future dated transaction are processed only on that day well.


Instrument Currency

This is defaulted by the system based on the instrument code selected.

Instrument Amount

Specify the instrument amount for transfer. This is a mandatory field.


Click this button to trigger computation of Charges and populate the Charges in the Pricing tab.

Payable Branch Code

This is optional based on the Instrument Type. Select the required branch code from the list of values.

Payable Branch Name

This is defaulted by the system based on the Payable Branch Name selected.


Specify internal remarks, if any.


Click this link to specify user defined fields.


Click this link to specify MIS details. Pricing Tab

Click the Pricing tab from the Instrument Issue screen.:


You can specify the following fields:

Component Name

The system displays the name of the applicable Charge component.

Pricing Currency

The system displays the pricing currency of the component from the Pricing Code Maintenance.

Pricing Code

The system displays the pricing code of the component from the Pricing Code Maintenance.


The system displays the fixed or calculated charge amount using the Pricing Value Maintenance. You can edit this field to a non-zero value.


Check this box to select the charge component to waive the associated charges.


Debit Currency

The system displays the currency of the selected debit amount.


Debit Currency is the same as Pricing Currency.

2.4.2 Viewing Instrument Issue Summary Screen

You can search for records in the Instrument Issue Summary Screen. You can invoke ‘Instrument Issue Summary screen by typing PISINSIS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

2.5 Instrument Payment

New screen is provided for initiating the liquidation process entering the instrument number.

2.5.1 Invoking Instrument Payment Screen

You can invoke ‘Instrument Payment’ screen by typing PIDINSPY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Host Code

The system indicates the host code that is linked to the logged in branch of the customer.

Payment Branch

Payment branch is defaulted as the logged in branch of the customer.


The source is defaulted as MANL.

Payment Mode

Payment mode can be ‘Transfer’ or ‘Cancel’.If payment is done by transferring the amount to another account Transfer mode has to be chosen.If purchaser is cancelling the instrument, cancel option to be chosen.

Instrument Code

Select the instrument code.

Instrument Number

Select the instrument number to be paid.All instruments outstanding for the instrument code which are in ‘Active’ status ‘are listed.

Payment Reference

The system populates the payment reference number.

Payment Date

Payment date is defaulted as current date.

Code Description & Instrument Type

Instrument code description and instrument type are defaulted based on Instrument code selected. Main Tab

Click Main tab from the Instrument Payment screen.:

You can specify the following fields:

Credit Details


Creditor Account Number

Specify the Creditor Account Number from the list of values. If Payment mode is Cancel, system defaults the debit account used for the instrument issue in this field.

Account Currency

This field is defaulted based on account number selected.

Account Branch

This field is defaulted as the account branch of account number selected.

Account/GL Name

The system indicates the name of the Account name depending on your account selection.

Credit Amount

Based on the instrument amount and account currency this amount is computed and populated by the system.

Customer Number

The system indicates the unique customer number that is tagged to the account.

Customer Service Model

The system indicates the Customer Service Model linked to the customer.

Beneficiary Details


Beneficiary Name

Based on the instrument number selected, this field is defaulted.

Beneficiary Address

Based on the instrument number selected, beneficiary address is defaulted.

Beneficiary Identifier

Based on the instrument number selected, this field is defaulted.

Instrument Details

Instrument details are defaulted based on the instrument number selected. The following fields are displayed on the screen.


Specify Remarks, if any.

Exchange Rate

Based on the instrument currency and account currency and exchange rate related maintenances, exchange rate is computed by the system.


Click this button to trigger computation of Charges in the Pricing tab.

Instrument Status


Instrument Status

The status of the instrument is displayed.


Click this link to specify user defined fields.


Click this link to specify MIS details. Price Tab

Click the Price tab from the Instrument Issue screen.:

Pricing tab details will be similar to the pricing tab of Issue screen explained in section

2.5.2 Instrument Liquidation Process Flow

Instrument can be liquidated to own bank account, or can be received as part of local clearing.


For instrument liquidations initiated from user interface, system will throw error for any val­idation exception.

2.5.3 Viewing Instrument Payment Summary Screen

You can search for records in the Instrument Payment Summary Screen. You can invoke ‘Instrument Issue Summary screen by typing PISINSPY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

2.6 Stop Payment

It is possible to mark stop payment of an instrument and also to revoke the stop payment. It is also possible to collect charges for stop payment from the purchaser. Instrument status is marked as ‘Payment Stopped’ on authorizing the stop payment. When the stop payment is revoked, the instrument status is moved back to previous status (Active) provided the validity period is not over, else the status is marked as stale.

2.6.1 Invoking Instrument Stop Pay Screen

Payment can be stopped for an instrument which is not in liquidated / cancelled /stale status. You can invoke ‘Instrument Stop Pay’ screen by typing PIDSTPAY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Host Code

The system indicates the host code that is linked to the transaction branch of the customer.


The system indicates the transaction branch of the customer.

Instrument Code

Specify the Instrument Code.

Instrument Number

Specify the Instrument Number for which stop payment to be marked. Instrument Number field lists instruments for the instrument codes selected which are in Active status.

Stop Pay Reason

Specify a reason to issue the Stop Pay.

Stop Pay Reference

The system indicates the Stop Pay Reference details.

Stop Pay Date

This field is displayed as current date.

Code Description

The system indicates the instrument code description based on the instrument code chosen.

Instrument type

The system indicates the type of instrument.

Beneficiary Name

The system indicates the name of the beneficiary as mentioned in the instrument.

Instrument Currency

The system indicates the Instrument Currency.

Instrument Amount

The system indicates the Instrument Amount.

Issue Date

The system indicates the date on which the instrument was issued.

Stop Pay revoked on

You can revoke the stop pay by invoking the ‘Revoke’ action. The date on which the Stop Pay revoked is displayed in this field.

Debit Currency is the same as Pricing Currency.

2.6.2 Viewing Instrument Stop Pay Summary Screen

You can search for records in the Instrument Stop Pay Summary Screen. You can invoke “Instrument Stop Pay Summary” screen by typing PISSTPAY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using the following parameter:

Once you have specified the above parameter, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.