4. Positive Pay

Corporate customers can provide the bank with ‘Cheque Issue File’ which contains the details of the cheques issued. These details are matched against cheques received for payment in Inward clearing. If a cheque listed in the Cheque Issue File has been lost or stolen or otherwise cannot be accounted for, customer can place a stop payment order on such cheque.

4.1 Positive Pay Agreement Maintenance

There is a provision to maintain Positive Pay Agreement for a customer account. If this maintenance is available, when a cheque comes in for payment, the instrument validation will be done with the Positive Pay details available for the account.

4.1.1 Invoking Positive Pay Agreement Screen

You can invoke “Positive Pay Agreement” screen by typing PYDAGRMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Host Code

The system indicates the host code that is linked to the logged in branch of the user.

Branch Code

The system indicates the branch code of the logged in user.

Customer Account

All valid accounts available for the branch are listed. Based on the account chosen, account description and account branch details are populated.

Instrument Code

Instrument codes of type ‘Cheque’ and instrument currency same as account currency will be listed. Select the required one.

Beneficiary Name Validation Required

Check this flag to indicate whether the Beneficiary name validation is required while process an inward positive pay transaction in clearing.

Account Description

The system displays the account description.

Account Branch

The system displays the branch details.

Customer No

The system displays the customer number upon the selection of Customer Account.

State Period



Stale period is defaulted based on Instrument code. You can modify the same. The number of months can be indicated for computing the expiry of the cheque.


The number of days can be indicated for computing the expiry of the cheque.


Stale period can be maintained either in Months or in Days. Maintaining stale period as a combination of Months and Days is not allowed.

4.1.2 Viewing Positive Pay Agreement Summary Screen

You can search for records in the Positive Pay Agreement Summary Screen. You can invoke “Positive Pay Agreement Summary” screen by typing PYSAGRMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

4.2 Positive Pay File Upload

There is a provision for uploading and storing Positive Pay files received for an account. The combination of account number and the cheque number has to be unique. A reference is generated for each positive pay record getting uploaded.

Manual input screens are required when the request is received over fax. The Positive Pay File Upload screen is be provided to input, view or amend the positive pay details.

4.2.1 Invoking Positive Pay File Upload Screen

You can invoke “Positive Pay File Upload” screen by typing PYDFUPLD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Host Code

The system indicates the host code that is linked to the logged in branch of the user.

Branch Code

The system indicates the logged in branch code of the user.

Source Code

This will be defaulted as MANL for entries using the user interface. For uploads, corresponding Source code will be defaulted.

Positive Pay Reference

This reference is generated and defaulted by system.

Record Date

This will be defaulted as current date.

File Id

Specify the File Id of the customer file received.

Customer Account

Accounts that have positive pay agreement maintained for the branch are listed. Based on the account chosen, account description and account branch details are populated.

Sequence Number

Specify the Sequence Number based on the details available in the customer file.

Instrument Details

Instrument Code

Specify the Instrument Code from the list of values.

Instrument Currency

The system displays the currency of the instrument.

Cheque Number

Specify the Cheque Number.

Issue Date

Specify the issue date as mentioned in the customer file.

Cheque Amount

Specify the amount as mentioned of the cheque issued.

Beneficiary Name

Specify the name of the beneficiary. This field is mandatory if Beneficiary Name validation is required as per Positive Pay agreement.


Specify remarks, if any. It can be customer remarks or internal instructions. This field is optional.

Instrument Status

Instrument Status

Instrument status is populated by the system.

Status Change Date

Date of the latest status change is displayed in this field.

Payment Details


Transaction reference no

Once the cheque payment is done in the system, you can view the clearing transaction reference.

Transaction Date

You can view the clearing date of the transaction if the payment of the cheque is done.

4.2.2 Viewing Positive Pay File Upload Summary

You can search for records in the Positive Pay File Upload Summary Screen. You can invoke “Positive Pay File Upload Summary” screen by typing PYSFUPLD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

The following actions can be performed for transactions from the Summary Screen.

Actions Functions
Amendment It is possible to amend the positive pay records which are not in statuses like ‘Lliquidated’, ‘Cancelled’ or Payments Stopped’. The modifiable fields are Amount, Date and Benefi­ciary. Instruments are marked as stale after the stale days main­tained. This is done by a system job. It is possible to mark them as Open records when the revalidation o f the instrument is done with the new date. Whenever date is amended for the cheque system re-computes valid till date and cheque status is updated for instruments that has current status as ‘Active’ or ‘Stale’.
View It is possible to view the records received through all channels from this screen. The positive pay records input /upload can be queried and viewed with the system reference number or account & cheque number combination. Cheque status is dis­played for each record with date of status change.

4.3 Positive Pay Status Movement

4.3.1 Invoking Positive Pay Status Movement Screen

You can invoke “Positive Pay Status Movement” screen by typing PYDSTMOV’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button...

You can specify the following fields:

Host Code

The system indicates the host code that is linked to the logged in branch of the user.

Branch Code

The system indicates the branch code of the logged in user.

Customer Account

All valid accounts for which positive pay records are available are listed.

Cheque Number

Please select the cheque number for which status movement needs to be initiated.Based on the cheque number selected the following cheque details are populated:

Current Status

Current status of the instrument is displayed by the system.

New Status

Select the new status for the record.


4.3.2 Viewing Positive Pay Status Movement Summary Screen

You can search for records in the Positive Pay Status Movement Summary Screen. You can invoke “Positive Pay Status Movement Summary” screen by typing ‘PYSSTMOV’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button..

You can search using one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria.

4.4 Positive Pay Cheque Processing

Positive pay cheques received in Inward clearing follows the process flow like paper cheques with the exception that instrument validation is done based on the positive pay record available. Positive Pay reference is stamped to the clearing record.

The following are the processing steps for a Positive Pay instruction: